[center][h1][color=808080]Zeke Rios[/color][/h1] [img]http://i65.tinypic.com/1fwum9.jpg[/img] [u][b]Location:[/b][/u] Grey Cabin then Main Hall - Meeting Room [u][b]Interacting With:[/b][/u] Stacey Hampton [@HushedWhispers], Casper Fawn [@SunsetWanderer], Lilian Ashbourne [@Wintergrey], Chase Jackson [@McHaggis], Alec Nichols [@HaleyTheRandom] [/center] Zeke was alone in the cabin, leaning over the desk with his hands on each of the edges holding him up. He was staring down at a whiteboard he had removed from the wall about an hour earlier. On the white board were three separate lists. The first was his own list of tasks for the day listed in chronological order and color-coded by importance. It was the first day of camp so nearly everything on the list was written in the black that meant they were everyday routine things like meals or the green of "suggested" activities. The laid back nature of the camp meant those would be the two main colors of that list all summer. One item on that list did stand out. Written in red over an attempt to write in black and partially erase it to make gray was the team leader meeting he had to attend in a few minutes. He still wasn't entirely sure why we was Team Leader, but somebody had to do it. It wasn't as big a deal among Team Grey as, say, Team Blue. No matter what they said, half of the team would just do what they wanted anyway. Still, something in him believed he could so something good with the position. The second was his updated list of ideas on what to do with his team. At the top in yellow capital letters was the obvious course of action. Something like that was much easier said than done though. The third and shortest list was of course things to bring up at the meeting. There wasn't much to it except ideas suggested to him by other members of his team, or ideas thought up to appeal to one particular interest or another. He was currently beating himself up over the complete lack of ideas he had for the meeting coming up in a few minutes. His stomach growled, a reminder that he had force himself to skip breakfast in order to work on that third list. Despite that, he hadn't managed to expand the list all morning. It occurred to him just then that going to breakfast and talking to some teammates about it would have been actually been smarter. If no one else surely Sable and Katsuya would have plenty to say. He ran a frustrated hand through his hair as he pulled away from the desk and stood. He managed to stopped a stream of curses before they started. Getting mad at himself for doing something as a result of getting mad at himself was not the best way to start the summer. He took a breath as his phone vibrated on the desk. He picked up the phone and couldn't help but laugh. [center][b]To: Zeke From: Danny[/b] Fell out of a tree. Guess I have to go see the nurse... ;)[/center] His step-brother had come along to Camp Liberty last year and the eleven year old boy had probably broken the record for most nurse visits in a summer. There was no doubt 95% of those visits were excuses to ogle Cynthia. It was a few seconds later that Rashad's voice could be heard calling the team ladder's to a meeting. With a sigh, Zeke looked over the board once more, his eyes drawn to the yellow words at the top of list two. He quickly copied the list for meeting points on a scrap of paper and stuffed it in the pocket of his shorts. He pulled on a light grey button up shirt, carefully rolling up the sleeves as he did so. With a quick look in the mirror to adjust his hair, he was out the door. [hr] Zeke was one of the last to enter the room, seating himself quietly at his seat. While Stacey and Rashad fought for control of the floor, Jaz, the counselor for his team gave him a huge grin and waved mouthing "hi." He returned a small smile and waved back. At Rashad's prompting introduced himself. "I'm Ezekiel. Grey team leader." He then watched as Stacey once again wrestled the discussion away from Rashad. He leaned forward, his elbow on the table and his hand on his chin. With his other hand he pulled his coin out of his pocket and began walking it across his knuckles as Stacey spoke. While disrupting the flow of the meeting wasn't the best way to have the meeting, he did like her list. The list itself that is. It was clear she had put some thought into it. It was some of the items on the list he was less sure of. Between the horror movie night and the more intense capture the flag it was definitely something more geared towards her team. It made sense, he supposed. The best way to get her team involved would be to get them interested. He couldn't say he disagreed with her points though. Camp Rock was awful, and the talent show and theme party sounded like things everyone would enjoy. Chase seemed to agree with him, though from the way she spoke she didn't sound sure. She tossed a few ideas into the ring, but again she was uncertain. Then Casper who spoke up. Of course Team Blue would want to keep everything the same. It was in their best interests to keep the same environment that had led to their past wins. And yet they had one of the least competitive of their group as leader. Despite his opposition opposition to Stacey's idea he made some good alternatives, Zeke had to admit. His fear of paintball was pretty weak though. It did sound like fun. The party theme didn't make much difference to Zeke personally. He figured people would enjoy one as much as another so long as there was a theme. Overall this meeting, was going as expected. That was until Casper stood once more and launched into a small speech about Team Blue changing their behavior and reputation. Now [i]that[/i] would be a change to see. It was good to hear that someone among that group felt they needed to change. But Zeke had his doubts. Had Casper even discussed this with his team yet? [color=a0b8ae]"I don't know, Casper. I don't think most of your team respects you enough to-"[/color] The look from Jaz and the other counselors made him cut off his sentence as he realized too late that was not something to have said out loud. Especially in front of the other team leaders. Especially coming from the quiet kid. [i]Fuck[/i]. Zeke's mouth snapped shut, and he turned his face down to stare at the coin dancing across his knuckles.