WIP [b]Name:[/b] Ythreïn Methreon [b]Age:[/b] 27 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Undead [b]Side:[/b] Dark. The Frozen Sword. The Wraith Commander. Wallbreaker. [b]Appearance:[/b] [b]Weapons:[/b] [hider=Istraen] [img]http://orig03.deviantart.net/4f89/f/2010/360/8/c/frostmourne_by_ericbraddock-d35qrzf.jpg[/img] Istraen. Sometimes refered to as the 'Frozen Sword'. It can trace its roots deep down back into the Methreon family. It started as Kamria. It was forged by an ancient dwarven Forgemaster, who's name is now long forgotten. The runes were imbued by a dwarven Sage. The blade was imbued with the flames from which is was forged: Dragonfire. The many enchantements made sure it would forever retain its edge. Finally, the runes made sure that if the wielder of Kamria would be slain, his soul would be infused into the blade. Making it stronger. Only 4 people were ever slain while wielding Kamria. The last one was in fact Agron. He was a child - no more than 18 years old - when he wanted to prove himself. He took up his sick father's sword and marched out the door. Onwards to claim his great destiny. He wandered up north, as he heard a dragon was terrorizing a local village. The dragon however, was Kul'Haid. Elder Dragon of the North. The only reason Argon could fight off Kul'Haid for a few moments was the powerful magic in his blade. The Dragonfire protected him, while the souls inside the metal made his attacks ever stronger. But all was in vain, and Kamria fell. Its fire withered and the souls banished from the metal. Kul'Haid saw how powerful the blade was. And began to corrupt it. No longer would it claim the souls of the wielder once slain. Instead it would suck the souls out of the bodies it struck down. The dragonfire was replaced by Dragonice. Thus Kamria was reforged in ice. Making Istraen, the Sword of the North. [/hider] [b]Abilities/Powers:[/b] Tortured wraiths - From Istraen, Ythreïn is able to bring forth the the souls he slew. In form of small green lights. These tortured souls go forth howling and screaming. Instilling fear and hopelessness in the enemy. Before slamming themselves into the ground with a shivering death cry. Making a small explosion of energy. Dragonice aura - With the Dragonice imbued in Istraen, the very air around Ythreïn feels cold. Fires wither, candles go out and the morning dew slowly freezes in his presence. It sapps even the greatest men from their warmth. Leaving them exhausted and shivering. Dark ice - With the slam of his boot, or with the slam of his fist Ythreïn can summon forth dark ice. In the form of a wall or spikes. The ice is not ordinary ice. Imbued with pure darkness, it feels a lot colder and melts very slowly with average fires. Flames made from a strong fire-mage may melt it faster. [b]Talent(s):[/b] Exceptional swordsman - Ythreïn was young and naïve when he left the castle of his parents. He was nothing but a below-average fighter. All that changed with Kul'Haid. Who placed within Ythreïn the many memories he had of knights trying to fight him. Kul'Haid's training with the sword was harsh but succesful. [b]Personality:[/b] Ythreïn now lives for the kill. He looks forward for every battle, and fights as a vanguard at the front. Impulsive and forceful, he would expect anyone below him to have the same feeling. He takes orders from those he deems worth enough to command. [b]Biography:[/b] [b]Extras:[/b]