[@Esterdi] but if you do hit Joan with a crossbow bolt she can be healed of the injury and be saved where if she cuts you you will be stuck with that wound forever magic healing be damned, which is that part I am concerned about in an rp where the players are likely to be in contact with each other. Either Joan kills characters or she never lands any blows on anyone and looks incompetent. [@Legion02] Now I'm not in charge so I hold no power, but we do have quite a bit of the undead thing going already on the dark side with a necromancer, an undead and an incomplete character sheet for another undead and a lot Ythreïn's abilities seem to be a little too close to my character for my liking with the cold aura and using the souls of slain enemies. Again I have no power here and you don't have to change anything, but it does concern me. blah blah complaining blah blah.