Wreathed in a weathered brown hooded cloak, Skrax made his way towards the Tower. The cold made him shiver, biting straight into his bones, as brittle as they were. The trek up the mountain ridge had been arduous but strangely peaceful, past the howling winds and pouring snow. He'd taken the trek as a chance to meditate, reciting the scriptures engraved on the prayer beads he wore around his torso and tattooed on his chest and back. Formless, the words cycled and circled in his mind, guiding and strengthening his journey forward. Just previously, before he'd even entered the Drangazi range, he'd been a ways away, in the township of Anthorp, healing the sick and meditating on past teachings and scriptures. It was also there that he'd dealt with a nasty bandit gang that had been terrorising the town for their grain and livestock and women. From there, word had reached him of the mysterious Tower. A mysterious employer, seeking hands to venture into the Tower for its riches and dark secrets. Several of his kin, wanderers in their own regard, had ventured into that dark place in search of its riches. None had returned. It had been ages since, and the chance was too tempting to pass up. Nevertheless, he mediated on his need to delve into the darkness, and his inner soul had said yes. If not for riches, for answers and to develop himself further in his everlasting quest for enlightenment. He was to meet five others, Seekers, just like him, and upon the forming of their little group their quest inwards would begin. Downward he went, as the snow thinned and trees sprang to life around him through the carpet of white. Eventually the ridge led downward into a thick forest, teeming with wildlife. The sounds and smells of the forest sent his thoughts back home, to Caldaria. As he walked, staff ahead of him, he wondered about his family and his village. More than a decade had passed since his departure, and though such amounts of time were mere blinks of the eye to his people, it still felt like forever. [url=http://vocaroo.com/i/s160R0qP0E8b]"I miss home."[/url] The forest eventually turned into a clearing, and the Tower itself stood amidst the grass and foliage, decrepit and seemingly abandoned. Nearby, also emerging from the forest, was a dwarf, clad in some strange armour, with tools on several belts and a firearm strapped to his back. With a wave of his staff he approached the dwarf as he sat upon the stone staircase leading upward into the Tower's main floor. [url=http://vocaroo.com/i/s1zUvWH6EI4D]"Ho there, stranger! Are you perchance one of the five others I am to wait for?"[/url]