[i]'Another missile?'[/i] Kerry leveled out his flight path as the missile gained on him, sighing behind his mask. [i]'can't be helped, It'll be hard to shake this thing off, but I can do it, hopefully this works.'[/i] Setting the flaps into turning position, Kerry dove down, before corkscrewing and flying back up. Now he was back into position to attack the Albatross. Alphonse's voice came over the radio, instructing him on proper bomber strafing etiquette, Kerry was insulted, she assumed he couldn't do this himself? Bah! [color=0054a6]"Never you mind! I can handle myself!"[/color] Following that, Kerry focused onto the Albatross' left wing. [color=0054a6]"Missile coming in, avoid the left wing, don't want any of you being hit by debris!"[/color] Afterwards, Kerry sent out a few flares, in an attempt to stop the missile from hitting him, all planes since the seventies came with flares, no different with this one.