In the Drangani mountains a lone figure was trekking through the snow, dressed in an unusual and impractical robe for the weather. A cold wind was blowing and it prickled at his flesh. The only truly warm clothing the figure wore was a scarf which seemed to be particularly shoddy and cheap. Rucks rubbed his arms, he really needed some warm clothing from this realm. The Nymphs in the dream didn't have too strong a grasp on warm clothes, it was always sunny in their groves and Rucks didn't have the heart to tell them that they didn't make great scarves, he made a note to buy a proper one next time he decided to travel in the mountains. Beside him was a small fire ferret, pulled from an unknown realm by Rucks. It wasn't quite what he expected - he would have much preferred an abominable snowman or something just as ferocious. But the occasional flame it let out proved to be worth it, after his long trek he'd even found himself beginning to mutter to it, [url=]"Damn it's cold... Very cold. Should have gone through the dream, should have gone through the dream. Agh! Why did this fucking wizards tower have to be far up north anyway? And in a mountain range of all things! No, no it could have been in the nice warm grasslands, but here I am trekking through a mountain,".[/url] But then he saw it, the wizards tower that he had been so eagerly hiking towards, he almost let out a small whoop, but controlled himself. It wasn't huge and bounding towards the sky like he had expected. Had the rumours of it's many rooms been incorrect? Or was there some magic involved here - that was a stupid question of course there was. It was just concealed well, that was all. As he drew closer and closer to the tower itself the snow began to thin, grass bloomed and trees began to spring up in droves. The sun was harsher too, without the snow to haze it's glare. Warmth was still fleeting however as Rucks approached the clearing where two figures stood, that was what? Three others for him to wait for in this weather? He wasn't looking forward too it. His companion ran forward jumping out of the trees towards the tower. It may have been a spectacular sight, if the creature didn't dissolve into the atmosphere as the contract with it ended. [url=]"Well, that entrance could have been somewhat more dramatic. Poor thing must have been having such a blast. But, on the bright side... people! I suppose you two are to be my fellows within the tower? Or have I managed to get the wrong one somehow?"[/url] he half exclaimed, not even waiting to see if he had been noticed, or if the two he spoke two were already talking.