Isabella sat with the others in the waiting area and made good on the rooms intended purpose. Not that she waited patiently of course, she hated the downtime before the briefs or any downtime for that matter, and tried her best to keep herself occupied by scanning over the fresh meat. The newbies were a mixed bunch, homogeneity certainly didn't seem to be the Panther's MO if the people they recruited were any indication. The fact that the newbies were going on this mission made Isabella uncomfortable, she'd only been with the Panthers for a year but they'd at least given her a proper evaluation that wouldn't potentially kill her or result in a loss of profit for the company. The entire thing just seem needlessly risky, but considering the lack of veterans still kicking around the outfit, a trial by fire did make a certain kind of sense. [i]Either way, its not my call,[/i] she thought and pushed her apprehension from her mind and went back to scanning the motley crew assembled outside of the war room. The girl in the corner with the purple hair was interesting. She was strikingly beautiful, but what drew Isabella's attention was her mechanical arm. Its not often that people that young walk into a merc outfit, much less with replacement limbs. But Isabella supposed that she wasn't much older when she got her own arms blown off. She seemed pensive, or adamant on avoiding contact with others and so Isabella let her be, no need starting something right before her first mission with the crew, though Isabella would certainly like to get to know her afterward. There was also the man who seemed like he wanted to say something but couldn't. He was an odd duck by her first glance, but nothing too out of the ordinary. Her observations were cut short when the door opened and XO Lang ushered them inside. Isabella let out a sigh of relief and plopped down into her seat in the war room. She listened carefully to the scant details of the briefing. She wasn't sure if Bentz' omission of what they may be facing was intentional or not, but it certainly didn't put her at ease. Her body and infrequent dreams could attest to what happens when you have bad intel and she certainly didn't want a repeat. [b]“We're heading out in an hour,” Cecilia informed the pilots. “Until then, make any preparations to your FRAMEs and be ready to move. Any questions?”[/b] Isabella moved to speak, but her question had already been forwarded by Elaine. Instead she simply pointed at the fiery readhead "Yeah, what she said." While she waited for an answer the guy who wasn't talking earlier seemed to suddenly find his voice again. What began as a question rather quickly turned into a long treatise on why he needed C&C modules for his FRAME. [i]That's a bit forward for a new recruit[/i] she thought and also made a mental note to not ask him many questions. Isabella suspected that if she got him talking he would never stop.