[center][h3][color=1a7b30]Araguay Woods[/color][/h3][/center] [@Eklispe][@Lugia][@Evanist] With a heavy sigh, Holliander raised his hands over his head while facing in the direction of the Nu Mou and Moogle, "You're right, you're right... I shouldn't really be out here. A soldier gave us news that the Veira were leaving camp, and I came to see if I could persuade them otherwise. The shamaness-" Holliander motioned to the Veira that seemed to have spoken to the wyvern just a few moments ago, "and I have been friends for some time now. I was the one who first offered her sisters shelter in Dorter-" "We did not have much of a choice, Holliander," The woman spoke once more, "If it were not for the creatures encroaching on our warren, we would have stayed. This one sought shelter for her kin, and now the shelter has fallen. We must find a place to weather this storm, before we are dragged down in it's chaos. I'm sorry, Holliander... This one thanks you for your aide to this point, but our sisters are not safe here." Holliander merely shook his head, breathing yet another heavy sigh as he spoke, "Your kin are needed as much as they are wanted, Riva. They are some of our better healers and scouts, and without them we will suffer a heavy loss. While I understand you have to look after your own first, we have women and children that are relying on you and your sisters." An awkward silence seemed to linger over the group. It was in the moment that Riva stepped forward, carrying herself with an air of grace that could not be ignored, only to place herself before Holliander and cradle his hands. "This one is truly sorry, Holliander. I hope to find you well once more should the darkness fade," She spoke before turning back to her sisters and the wood. It wasn't long after that, a couple of heavily armed guards strode up behind Holliander. They made no act of aggression, and upon them halting mere steps behind them, Holliander hung his head as he turned to face them. Without word, they bowed their heads, as the smaller female with dragon wings steppe forther, placing manacles about his wrist. "I'm sorry Holliander, Summoner's orders. He doesn't want you escaping from the tent before the deligations are over." "Nor do I fault him. I knew my actions were suspicious, but I did what I thought I must." Holliander replied, starting to make his way back to the command tent without resistance.