High up above, Jacoby and Chomp were gliding through the sky. With Jacoby's leprechaun enhanced luck, the winds were carrying them there with all due haste, and their was not a single cloud or bird in the sky to get in their way. In anticipation of the cold, Jacoby had put on a large fur coat. Chomp on the other hand needed noting to keep himself warm. There was little that could penetrate his skin, and the cold was not counted among that which could. As they passed the largest mountain on the range, their destination came into view. Upon seeing the tower, Chomp began to wonder if they had come to the wrong place. [url=http://vocaroo.com/i/s1jphhWD7TE8]Chomp decided to consult Jacoby. "Of course we have the right place" Jacoby said. Chomp was still unsure. The tower was quite small. "Well things are not always what they seem to be, Chomp" Jacoby said to his companion.[/url] As they approached the clearing, Jacoby caught sight of 4 others. 1 of them was a dwarf. Jacoby immediately knew that this job was going to be fun. Dwarfs always brought many a weird and wonderful contraption to the table, and this 1 seem to have plenty. 1 of them seemed to be a human, but Chomp's superior sense of smell quickly deduced that he was in fact a dreamwalker. The aromas of the dream clung to the man like flies to fly paper. 1 of them was a khepri. A rare sight in the mountains. And the last 1 was a human. She looked somewhere around Jacoby's age, and he hoped that was the case because she was extremely cute. [url=http://vocaroo.com/i/s1DZ1jGiFXlK]"Greeterlings!" Jacoby said as Chomp landed next to Marianne and the person who's sleeve she had tugged on "I am Jacoby and this is Chomp. I take it you lot are here for the same reason we are, so Chomp and I look forward to working with you all[/url].