[quote=@MiddleEarthRoze] [Your Character] [/quote] No thieves guild armor. Faction and guild armors aren't allowed here. For the appearance, a picture is optional but a written description is mandatory. If there is no picture, the written description will obviously need to be a tad more detailed to make up for those thousand words the picture could've taken off of your hands. Heh, geddit? Heh...ahem... Anyways, As it is, the only other things that bother me are the sheer amount of lockpicks she has. Let's cut it off at 15-20 stashed in her bag and about her person. The backstory will probably be as detailed as you're willing to make it balanced by how detailed we want you to make it, know what I mean? We don't want a detailed story of every day of a girl's life, but we would like to know how she got where she is in life and why she had/wanted to throw her lot in with a bunch of mercenaries that are barely reputable, to not really in the shape to be at the front. A veritable mish-mash of criminals on the run and working off a sentence to the young and the old. [b]Also[/b] The collab on the pad is now non-canon and will be erased and discarded. The fight can come up in posts but only vague enough for people to add onto in their own remarks, but that is it. In full and as an event in our character's memories, it will stay in the endless depths beyond where the eye dares to see and the lip quivers and spits in madness. A timeskip, they call it. So, there we go, no one else is held down and we may proceed unhitched.