[hider=Mary Kaw][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/BdIOdhT.png[/img][hr][i]"Me, an American? How did you figure that one out?"[/i][hr][b]IGN:[/b] Mary Kaw (Just goes by Mary) [b]Name:[/b] Ari Washington [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Personality:[/b] Mary is, at least in the game, an omega patriot. She believes that America is the greatest country in the world and that freedom should be doled out to every single dungeon. She's loud, brash and pretty much a stereotypical American. In reality, however, all of this is a running joke that she shared with a few of her friends. In the real world, she was still loud and brash, but not quite the pinnacle of American culture. She was just someone who liked a good laugh. --- [b]History:[/b] Ari was born in the grand and mysterious American city of Gaylord, Michigan. There wasn't much to do in Gaylord. Hell, there was nothing to do there. Instead, Ari did nothing but play video games. Her life changed when she found Elder Tale. Instead of playing DOTA 4, Team Fortress 2 Episode 2 Part 2 or Onlywatch, she began playing Elder Tale. Months passed, then years. Ari became a top enchanter on the American servers. She participated in numerous raids against all Kaida-level bosses and had been in numerous secret PVP events. Her life changed when her parents had to move to Europe for no specified reason. Her life was in shambles. Months of grinding and fun, gone. It was terrible. Luckily, when she got to Europe, she saw that if Americans migrated to their server, they would get a neat American flag item. All was good. She happily used the flag in every situation. Running around towns, running away from PKers, et cetera. Her life changed when she found a guild that laughed at the flag. Of course, wanting more laughs, Ari called them "Commie scum" and it was "Better dead than red". They loved it. They invited the level 5 Ari (who had been playing for months, but not killing anything or doing any quests) to their guild. Months passed. Mary was forced to go to do missions with them. She got to the point where she was level 69, and refused to go any farther. They gave her numerous gifts, and with that, Mary did nothing else. To pass time, she brewed "American beer" much to the laugh of her guild mates. She got that up to max level, and not much else happened. The guild slowly drifted apart, and Mary was left alone, brewing her beer. It was pretty boring, not to have anyone laugh at her. The next expansion came out and Ari saw herself as her character. As the old saying goes, the rest is history. --- [b][u]In-game Information[/u][/b] [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Race:[/b] Human "Ain't no beasts in my land of freedom!" [b]Class:[/b] Enchanter [b]Class Level:[/b] Lv. 69 (stopped there on purpose) [b]Subclass:[/b] Brewer [b]Subclass Level:[/b] Lv. 90 [b]Guild[/b] N/A [b]Build:[/b] Brewchanter [i]A build pioneered by Mary Kaw. She built it around buffing their teammates so much that they become a ball of death that rolls through dungeons, primarily using the "tipsy" buff. Never got to use it properly, though.[/i] [b]Spells/Skills:[/b] [list][*]Astral Binding - This spell prevents a target from moving for a short period of time. It is a basic technique that can be used to keep them in place while the caster's party attacks or advances. It is also useful for crowd control. Visually, the target is surrounded by a tight ring of magical threads [*]Mind Shock - This spell is cast as a dark purple sphere that the caster launches at a target. The sphere explodes upon contact with the ground and causes minor damage to all targets in the vicinity. It also causes confusion and lowers the target's attack accuracy and ability to dodge incoming attacks. Because the spell's cooldown period is 180 seconds (3 minutes), it can usually only be used once per battle. [*]Pulse Bullet - Extremely low cooldown. Fires a bolt that deals low damage. Combined with "Cast on Beat", it can be cast over 30 bullets a minute. Drains MP like mad. [*]Keen Edge - This magical support spell increases the base attack power of a weapon by 30% when wielded by a member of the caster's party, for several hours [*]Magic Light - A non-offensive spell that produces light at the end of the user's staff, which then forms into a floating, possibly-sentient orb of blue and red-white striped light that follows the caster. The orb of light will turn its head as its caster turns his or her head, and cower behind the caster when faced with opponents. [*]Accuracy Support - A buff that lasts for 10 seconds. All attacks will hit, no matter the circumstance. 10 second cooldown. [*]Cast on Beat - Visually, a metronome appears above the caster. Whenever someone near casts a spell when the metronome clicks, all cooldowns are slightly reduced. [*]Gain Immunity - Visually, the target becomes surrounded by a golden aura. Lasts for 10 seconds. The target this is cast on takes reduced damage and is immune to all forms of crowd control. [*]Magi Howling - The user screams an intimidating warshout, increasing the magic damage of all nearby enemies for a short time. [*]Haste - The user casts a red aura around them. Everyone within the aura gains movement speed and attack faster. [*]Elemental Infusal - The user chooses an element and enchants a target. The next 20 attacks from that target do bonus damage of the chosen element. [*]Reflex Boost - Passively increases the EVA of everyone around the user. [*]Overrunning - A special skill that enchanters are defined by, if they're buff based. When activated, everyone deals 200% damage to non-boss monsters and gain 200% movement speed. All buff abilities known are applied to nearby targets. Lasts for 10 seconds. Can only be used once every two hours.[/list] [b]Equipment:[/b] "Democracy!" Production-Class Armour A level 69 item made from Ancient and Phantasmal-class materials. Increases the duration of all buffs by 25%. Increases INT significantly. "You are my QT3.14" Production-Class Hat Level 67 item made from magic materials. Makes squeeky noises when taking damage. Increases all stats. [b]Weapons:[/b] "It is said that every flame is a Takyon." Ancient-Class Stave A level 63 item that, every time an ability is cast, a wave of damaging fire extends in a circle from the caster's position. Increases all Magic Damage dealt by the user. Lowers the duration of Crowd Control by 20% [b]Inventory:[/b] x 1 "Declare your independence with this cool item. Available only to American players who transfer to Western Europe." Multiple use A simple cosmetic item that looks like a giant American flag. Upon activating, a large flag appears in your hand. Disappears when in combat. x 1 "Make the strongest of beverages!" Multiple use A set of barrels, hops and other brewing utensils. Used to make alcoholic drinks. x 7625 "The best type." Consumable Gives the "Tipsy" buff, increasing STR, LUCK, DEF and WIS at the cost of INT, AGI and EVA. [u][b]Stats[/b][/u] [b]Strength (STR): [/b]E (1) [b]Agility (AGI): [/b]D (2) [b]Intelligence (INT): [/b]S (6) [b]Wisdom (WIS): [/b]S (6) [b]Defense (DEF): [/b]D (2) [b]Evasion (EVA):[/b] E (1)[/center][/hider]