[center][IMG]http://i66.tinypic.com/111q9ew.jpg[/IMG] [b][color=0054a6]IGN:[/color][/b] Krystal [b][color=0054a6]Name:[/color][/b] Hannah Van-Leeuwen [b][color=0054a6]Age:[/color][/b] 31 [b][color=0054a6]Gender:[/color][/b] Female [b][color=0054a6]Personality:[/color][/b] Krystal is unequivocally mysterious and incomprehensible. Her cryptic and riddle-like manner of speaking sometimes makes her hard to understand or conversate with. She has a subtle and elusive way of deceiving others and withholding the deepest and darkest of secrets. Her dreamy like presence makes her seem a little airy, magical, and whimsical, but underneath her flowing garbs lies an intuitive and cunning mind, further enhanced by her Foretuneteller subclass. She has a knack for understanding people and sometimes their intentions. She can read someone like a book. Although not the most elegant individual, her demure and glazed countenance makes her seem aloof and dissonant. Nonetheless, Krystal is extremely feminine and delicate in both appearance, voice, and mannerisms(despite the avatar actually being male.) But it is also this trippy and hazy way of behavior that makes her seem a bit weird and "out of it". She often marvels at simple things like the moon and fireflies and can sometimes be found mumbling to herself or to the stars, or to a flower. People sometimes mistake her for an air-head because she is a bit of klutz, managing to trip over her own feet or stumble into things. Krystal is quite mysteric, further emphasized by the fact that her in-world appearance is actually male, eventhough it looks completely female. This was purposefully done in an attempt to ward off online perverts(Though its actually somewhat backfired). Her common expression is doe-eyed, which makes it difficult to understand her true intentions and feelings. Despite this, she is actually quite motherly, mature, and sensible. She often uses words of endearment when addressing others such as love or dear or darling. Her strongest quality is that she is extremely patient. It's rare that she gets flustered by time. She has an uncanny ability and willingness to suppress restlessness or annoyance when confronted with delay. This is because, as a fortuneteller, she strongly believes in fate and destiny and that things cannot be changed(or they are extremely difficult to change). Everything is what it is, everyone is who they are, and everything that happens was suppose to happen at the exact time that it happened. Because of this, she doesn't ever really feel things like optimism or blessings, because if something occurred in her favor, it was simply suppose to happen that way. That's not to say she wouldn't feel disappointed if something occurred to her that was unfavorable, but she accepts it as a part of her fortune and destiny. Despite this, she puts forth her best effort in the tasks that are assigned to her because he is "supposed" to according to the laws of fate. --- [b][color=0054a6]History:[/color][/b] ---[/center] [b][u]In-game Information[/u][/b] [b][color=0054a6]Gender:[/color][/b] Male [b][color=0054a6]Race:[/color][/b] Race of Ritual [b][color=0054a6]Class:[/color][/b] Summoner [b][color=0054a6]Class Level:[/color][/b] 90 [b][color=0054a6]Subclass:[/color][/b] Fortuneteller [b][color=0054a6]Subclass Level:[/color][/b] 90 [b][color=0054a6]Guild:[/color][/b] World Canvas(Medium Sized Guild) [b][color=0054a6]Build:[/color][/b] Fairy Channeling- This is a very rare and underrated build wherein the main focus of Krystal's summons and spells are fairy like and unconventional. While the fairy channeling build excels at unorthodox healing methods via or , it also provides much needed elusiveness for the summoner and the squishier members of the party with the ability to create illusions. A summoner who specializes in the use of fairies provides utility, support to their allies, and utilizes misdirection to confound, manipulate, and deceive their opponents. [center][hider=Spells] [color=0054a6]Summon Attacker: Demonic Butterflies[/color]-- This is a summoning spell that conjures a swarm of demonic butterflies, that upon activation, congregate to a desired target and devour it to the bone. When used on an opponent, they cause a minor DoT proc that last 30 seconds. Enemies defeated by this spell have a 25% chance of dropping additional loot.(Very low cooldown. Can be cast on several targets at once)(DoT procs can be stacked). [color=0054a6]Summon Attacker: Bewitched Crystal Ball[/color]-- This is a summon that conjures a bewitched crystal ball that harnesses the essence of a mischievous sprite. It floats closely around Krystal's immediate vicinity and dissipates after 30 seconds if not used. The crystal ball is relatively slow moving, but should an enemy get close to him, it will seek out the foe and assault them relentlessly until they move away from him. The crystal ball generally prioritizes its enemies based off who is closet to him. While it mainly moves on its own seemingly "random" path, Krystal can briefly manipulate its movement in simple directions or towards a specific target. [color=0054a6]Summon Follower: Psychai[/color]-- This is a summon that stays active until recalled or defeated. Psychai is a summon that takes on the appearance of a beautiful bare woman who is of a tall stature, with long willowy pink hair, pale skin, and large butterfly wings that sprout from her back. Not only can it fly, but Psychai can shift the colors of her wings and create swirling colors and patterns, allowing her placate nearby foes/creatures and lure them to her(like moths to a flame). Enemies placated are under the luring effect for 20 seconds(Against other players, they simply cannot attack her) and have their DEF lowered by 25% for 30 seconds. [color=0054a6]Summon Follower: Oberon[/color]-- Oberon(The King of Fairies) is an extremely rare and powerful offensive summon that takes the form of an very handsome bare man who is of a tall stature, with a cascade of exotic flowers wrapped around his body, deer antlers, and large iridescent wings that resemble that of a dragonfly. While summoned, his passive ability grants his allies an increase in her maximum HP by 15%. During the day his STR stat is increased by 25% and during the night, his DEF stat is increased by 25%. His antlers take one minute to store up sunlight/moonlight(during day or night respectively), and then fires it off as a powerful solarbeam/moonbeam that does massive damage. During the cooldown while his antlers are recharging, he is an aggressive long-range fighter equipped with a bow that shoots magic arrows. [color=0054a6]Summon Follower: Fairies[/color]-- This is a summon that stays active until recalled or defeated. This summon conjures a group of fairies who function as one being, like a hive-mind. These fairies can be commanded to burrow into the mind of an opponent causing moderate DoT and they can work together to manipulate and move objects. This is especially useful for utility purposes, cause it allows Krystal to move objects(in a telekinetic-like fashion) way heavier than he'd be able to move on his own. [color=0054a6]Fairy Circle[/color]-- The scales of a fairies wings have a unique property that bends light and is capable of being used to create illusions. These scales in large quantities appear as glittery fragments of iridescent dust. This spell conjures a circle of fairy dust near the ground that last 30 seconds(with a 5 minute cool down). When Krystal or an ally steps into this circle, it creates the illusion that their body is dissolving/vanishing into a dispersing veil of glowing ethereal butterflies. In actuality, the fairy dust is bending light to create the illusion of invisibility. The invisibility only last 15 seconds. [color=0054a6]Fairy Kiss[/color]--A single target reactive heal, this spell allows the caster to summon a fairy that flies over to an ally and kisses them, leaving a glowing mark where they were kissed. The mark is permanent until activated or the caster cancels it. The person who is marked activates the kiss when they so desire, and in doing so, sacrifices a percentage of their MP to recover that percentage + an extra 25% to their HP.(For example, sacrificing 25%MP recovers 50%HP)(The kiss can only be activated once and once it is used, the mark disappears) [color=0054a6]Moonlight[/color]--An AOE toggle healing skill with a radius of 18 meters, this spell allows the caster to summon a miniature moon above the area. Calling forth the serenity of night, this moon generates a medicating aura that surrounds the area in moonlight's gleam, causing the environment to shimmer and glisten (like moonlight causing the ocean to sparkle at night). The silhouette of allies and enemies within the aura glows. While this spell is active, the caster loses 2MP every second. 75% of the maximum HP of every enemy defeated within the aura is stored OR 75% of all damage allies recieve while within the aura is stored as HP. Once the spell is deactivated, all stored hitpoints are evenly distributed to the caster and their allies who are within the 18 meter radius. [color=0054a6]The Metamorphosis[/color]-- Upon activation, this spell causes his summoned fairies to converge together and begin a metamorphosis. The process turns the fairies into a living copy of Krystal with its own health bar and mp bar. This copy is capable of performing several of the moves Krystal can perform (a single-target variant of Moonlight, Demonic Butterflies, and Bewitched Crystal Ball). Additionally, it has its own personal skill called "Sacrifice", wherein upon Krystal's command, the copy sacrifices all its HP and deals all the loss HP as damage to a single target and shares all that loss HP to heal a single ally. Sacrifice can only be done once every 24hrs as the effects of the shared damage and healing is extreme. [color=0054a6]Glitter[/color]-- This spells conjures several fairies and upon beating their wings fiercely, they scatter their scales around an object which appears as a veil of glittery fragments of iridescent dust. This fairy dust/glitter, bends light around the object, allowing Krystal to create an illusion and cause the object to appear as something else. This can be used on inanimate objects, himself, or even his allies. The illusion last for 3 minutes with a 5 minute cooldown. If the glitter isn't used on a specific object, he can create an illusion seemingly out of thin air, but the illusion will only last 1 minute. [color=0054a6]Prediction[/color]-- This is a passive ability that allows the Fortuneteller to survey the area within a 10 meter radius of their current position. The Fortuneteller will be alerted to the location of any player that enters this radius. Also, all monsters that will spawn within the next 5 minutes will appear as semi-transparent figures with timers above their heads showing their spawn time. This information is only visible to the Fortuneteller. While some Fortunetellers use this as a way to avoid trouble, there's been a number of field boss hunters who like to have one with them so that they can predict the incoming monster or player, and make preparations. [color=0054a6]Sympathetic Premonition[/color]-- When touching or holding on to an object that belongs to someone, Krystal can call upon a premonition to show him the location that person will be at in the next 5 seconds, allowing him to pinpoint that person's current whereabouts or at least see a visual image of that individuals current situation. This spell has a 6 hour cooldown. [color=0054a6]Clara's Gift of (Mis)Fortune[/color]-- Either a blessing or a curse, this spell allows Krystal to predict someone's future through quatrains that he writes down unconsciously. Clara is an invisible spirit of fortune. It is an odd and small ethereal creature, invisible to those who are not Fortuntellers or of the Mage class. It hovers over Krystal's hand and manipulates his arm and wrist to automatically write his poems. The target of the fortune must handwrite his/her name (aliases and handles count), full date of birth, and blood type on the piece of paper on which he will write the poem. A picture of the target's face is necessary if he/she isn't present. Krystal's fortunes take the form of a poem with four or five quatrains of four lines each. Each verse represents a week of the current month, and typically events referenced in the poem are present as metaphors. Inauspicious fortunes always contain advice, and misfortune can be avoided if warnings are heeded. Although he cannot use this ability to predict his own fortune, with all the conditions met, it can be used at will to predict the future of others. An individual can only have their fortune written once a day. [/hider] [hider=Equipment] [color=0054a6][/color] [i]"Appearing only at the stroke of midnight, this mysterious traveler only shares her most precious garbs with those who can see into the beyond."[/i] Ancient [color=0054a6][/color] [i]"Thumbelina's wedding band. Love knows no bounds, whether big or small."[/i] Phantasmal [/hider] [b][color=0054a6]Weapons:[/color][/b] (Currently equipped weapons. Use the weapon forma... There's a trend here, isn't there?) [b][color=0054a6]Inventory:[/color][/b] (I'm not sure if there's even an inventory item format. Check anyway) [u][b][color=0054a6]Stats[/color][/b][/u] [b]Strength (STR):[/b] D [b]Agility (AGI):[/b] C [b]Intelligence (INT):[/b] S [b]Wisdom (WIS):[/b] B [b]Defense (DEF):[/b] F [b]Evasion (EVA):[/b] B [/center]