[hider=lorenzo] [b]IGN: Silver[/b] [img]http://lostty.files.wordpress.com/2009/01/untitled-8.jpg[/img] [b]Name: Lorenzo Argento[/b] [b]Age: 19[/b] [b]Gender: male[/b] [b]Personality:[/b] Lorenzo himself wouldn't be much to look at however he prides himself in acting like a gentleman to women and being a nice person to everyone. Lorenzo was born in Spain and as a result understands Spanish but he learned to understand English in school. While Lorenzo isn't as handsome or strong as his classmates he did always pride himself in his intelligence and how well he could solve problems that presented themselves with enough time which is why he was always a fan of strategy games. Lorenzo always likes to think of himself as an activist and believes in being a rebel however he is not an anarchist for the very reason that he sees the reasoning behind rules that are placed while he wont agree with them and might not follow them he will not storm the castle to change it simply for that reason. Overall Lorenzo is gentlemanly while is a smart and intelligent person when it comes to a game of strategy. He disobeys authority figures but wont attack the rules they follow simply because he doesn't agree with them. --- [b]History:[/b] Lorenzo was born in Spain to loving parents and as he went through the tradition k-12 program he learned he English and likes to play strategy games like chess. Throughout his life he learned to use the intelligence he was born with to his advantage and managed to get into a good college leaving his family behind. The funny thing is that Lorenzo wanted to be a game designer himself and learn to create games like Elder tail which was going to be his major as he explored college. However while he loved the game itself he simply didn't have the time to put his nose to the grindstone and level up as much as he wanted so as a result he isn't very high leveled and he soon stopped playing the game to focus on his studies. Once he had a little breathing room with his studies he went back to playing and wondering what changed the game and afterwards he realized he woke up in the game itself and you can guess from their... --- [b][u]In-game Information[/u][/b] [b]Gender: Male[/b] [b]Race: wolf fang[/b] [b]Class: Assassin[/b] [b]Class Level: 15[/b] [b]Subclass: butler [/b] [b]Subclass Level: 25[/b] [b]Guild: world canvas (medium sized guild)[/b] [b]Build: Silver follows a high strength and agility build traditional to the assassin style, big hits real quick [/b] [b]Spells/Skills:[/b] Assassination-assassin exclusive skill-Assassination is a skill all assassins earn early and can upgrade to make it cause massive damage, this attack is best for its burst damage call of the wild-general wolffang skill- like all wolffangs silver is able to call upon his wolf spirit to give him a strength boost in combat aim for the heart-assassin exclusive skill-like all assassins silver has a burst attack which is known as aim for the heart which if it connects causes a massive amount of damage however since this needs to be aimed at a weak point for the critical hit it will only cause regular damage if the hit connects anywhere else. Deadly dance- an exclusive assassin skill only for melee attacks- this attack has the assassin crouch low and unleash the attack on his opponent, while this is low damage for an assassin this ability can stack up to 8 times so its possible to kill using this ability consecutively. When it use it takes on a pale glow and leaves trails in the air, the glow strengthens with each hit [b]Equipment: [b]Equipment:[/b] "All the style with little protection." Rank: Normal This suit is given to all who accept the butler subclass while its meant purley for the role of being a butler. It's not meant to be in a fight with. "[color=blue]Add a little style to your fight[/color]" Rank: [color=blue] magic item[/color] Exclusively for the butler subclass while not many items grant the user protection under the butler subclass, this top hat does give a boost in agility, for when you need to hurry for your master/mistress "'Can't have my butler walking barefoot' said a well known mistress" Rank: Normal Like the rest of the butler's attire, this outfit is meant simply for entertainment purposes and offers little to no protection in a fight "One must keep their hands clean when handling affairs." Rank: Normal These are regular leather gloves an adventure can buy at any store coming in many colors and offers little protection [b]Weapons:[/b] "[color=blue]when everyone moves to fast slow them down[/color]" Rank= [color=blue] magical[/color] a magical longsword with the enchantment of ice imbued. this longsword has the special ability to cool down enemies and slow them down for a short time. [img]http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2009/347/7/5/Ice_Sword_by_Icicle_Tricycle.jpg[/img][/b] "For the ninja in all of us" Rank= normal Kunai is the classic weapon of choice for all ninjas either as a throwing weapon or close range kill. This silver kunai is able to boost agility by 5 [b]Inventory:[/b] 5 "for when you need a quick escape" Consumable Smoke bombs are consumable items that allow the user to escape battle each smoke bomb is single use 1 "need a place to store your kunai safely? then look no further then a kunai belt" Multiple use This item is multiple use and allows the player to store their multiple kunai in a single space ready to be thrown or used in combat and once the belt is empty it needs to be refilled to hold more [u][b]Stats[/b][/u] [b]Strength (STR): B[/b] [b]Agility (AGI): S[/b] [b]Intelligence (INT): D[/b] [b]Wisdom (WIS): E[/b] [b]Defense (DEF): E[/b] [b]Evasion (EVA): B[/b] [/hider]