[hider=Cheryl Avice Azor]Name: Cheryl Avice Azor Age: 28 Gender: Female Disposition: Cheryl, or Avice as she strongly prefers to be called, is the kind of woman who can throw her entire being behind a cause she cares about; the challenge and stimulation helps stave off the boredom and depression that would otherwise set in. Those she draws close to find her to be a woman of immense loyalty who is willing to fight to the death for those she cares for. Avice places value on being self-sufficient and looks down on those who are dependent and needy even while coming to their aid. She feels most at ease in the wilderness, but at times feels the need to immerse herself in city life for short periods of time. The city reminds her of the life she once had and draws out facets of her personality she tries to hide. Under it all is a prim lady who cares how she looks and how others perceives her. Background: As a child she was stuck between two worlds. In one she was Cheryl, the daughter of a fairly successful politician in the PU. In the other she was Avice, the granddaughter of what many saw as a crazed war veteran. Her father and mother raised her to be a “proper lady” who attended the parties of high society and took great care not to make her father look bad in public. Her grandfather, on the other hand, taught her how to handle a rifle and took her out on hunting expeditions. She cared greatly for her grandfather, PTSD and all, even while ignoring his rants about the inevitable war. In the end he was both right and the sole reason why Avice is still alive. When the USK first broke away from the PU Avice was out in the wilderness on a hunting trip with her grandfather. When the two returned from their trip they found their hometown to be a warzone; their family had been targeted and murdered by rebels. Avice was quick to join the army, thoughts of revenge providing all the motivation she needed to get through basic training and endure the rigors of combat, for a time. She quickly proved herself to be a superior marksman and was given her platoon’s DMR. For four years she fought in that terrible war, witnessing things that would scar her for the rest of her life. By the end of her first tour she was done with the PU, her lust for revenge had long ago evaporated. She had come to the realization that while she still hated the rebels of the UKE she could at least see how they could justify their own actions in the face of the PU’s rather atrocious doctrines. And so she left the army in the hopes of living the rest of her life in peace. She struggled with ‘peace’ for half a year before giving up. She had been changed so much by the war; peace was no longer an option in her mind. She gathered what little wealth her family had left and, combining it with her pay from the army, bought a FRAME and sought work elsewhere. Appearance: Standing at just under five foot six, [url=http://img08.deviantart.net/75c2/i/2014/306/1/0/paradise__i_am_coming____by_kimonas-d3lf6cs.jpg]Avice[/url] has an athletic build. Her appearance is well maintained, but an absolute minimum amount of makeup is used most of the time. Her hair is typically tied up in a ponytail or braided. Inventory: -[url=http://pre11.deviantart.net/7bc4/th/pre/i/2013/214/1/4/hk_g3_bk_concept_rifle_by_stunna_k-d6fszio.jpg]G3B 7.62x51mm DMR[/url] -9mm pistol with tactical holster -Kukri utility knife -Pilots' suit with ballistic armour and equipment harness -Pilots' helmet -Designated marksman patch, usually visible on the left shoulder of her outfit Funds: 59,250c Other: N/A[/hider] [hider=ACS-3G Zaruga "Valkyrie"]Name: ACS-3G Zaruga “Valkyrie” Manufacturer: Cradle Dynamics Height: 4.1 meters Weight: 5230 kg Armor: 20 mm durasteel alloy Speed (Walk): 65 kph Speed (Skate): 91.6 kph Sensor range: 5 km Communication range: 25 km Operating range: 600 km Extra Systems: ECM suite, laser target designator Power: 130 Weight: 80 Price: 468,750c Armaments: -AFC-40/L Autocannon -2x MGR-2A Anti-tank Missiles (2 Spare weight)[/hider]