Well, the last dog finally crossed the finish line. [hider=My app] Name: David Smithee Monster Type: Birdgon Gender: Male Occupation: None (In college) Weapon?: Claws +10 ATK, It's... not possible to remove these. Armor?: Plain T-Shirt +3 DEF, It's just a plain, white shirt... for a plain guy. Magic (up to three) : Fire magic, Lightning magic, and Healing magic Personality: Out of battle, he can be described as rather unassuming, generally friendly, and somewhat talkative, however... this all changes should you get him mad. He will often attack with everything he's got the moment he's mad enough to attack someone, but, after that, he just goes back to using one element at a time... and can usually be talked out of a fight after that first attack. Bio: Unlike most of the monster kids, David always tried to use as many magic spells as possible, claiming that he'd 'get good at all of them!', so, while they continued with their more specialized magic... David was left with some very basic magic that doesn't adhere to any sort of theme. This, at first, got him bullied around by the others, who all had their magic down to a specific thing, their magic all just fit together, whereas David's was just sort of all over the place. He could create fire, he could create lightning, and he could heal... but... he couldn't really figure out anything more than that, whereas some of the more musically gifted monsters shaped their magic into notes, and actually used that to create music, David... could just sort of create the magic. He couldn't get it to do anything special, such as change the color of another monster's soul to force them to move a certain way, or have it shaped like something he likes... it was just sort of there. But... he always tried to make it into something else, but... he just couldn't figure out what, exactly. That being said, he never stopped trying. He continued trying to do something special with his magic... he tried with fire, then lightning, but all throughout his school years, not only did he not have a subject that he was best at, but he couldn't do anything spectacular with his magic... other than just produce lightning or fire. 'This lack of specialization seemed to follow him into college, where, instead of focusing on one, maybe two subjects, David just took whatever classes appealed to him at the time... which, of course, means that he has a bunch of credits... that don't go towards any sort of degree. This ended with him spending a ton of gold on random classes that have basically nothing to do with one another. His magic, even though he continued trying to make it DO something different was still as plain as ever, even if he can use it to heat things, and power things respectively. Thankfully, the bullying has stopped as it usually does after high school, though, he occasionally refers to himself, jokingly, as 'Plain Dave' just due to how uninteresting his magical spells are. It was around this time that David caught a show about Mettaton fighting a strange creature, one that's been described as a 'human'... he thought it was odd, but, he didn't really want to get involved, as, for some reason, he figured that the human would end up getting killed either by Mettaton who really put up an amazing [s]show[/s] fight, or the king... er... fluffysomethingorother. David just sort of figured that, much like the other times these 'humans' entered the underground, it would end with another soul taken...' He was wrong. Apparently, not only did the human make it past the king, he also broke the barrier. For the first time in his life, David would be able to see the sun, the stars, and probably so many other things... however, David was one of the last monsters to hear about it, so... despite his enthusiasm, he was also the last monster to leave, aside from whatever few might have actually decided to stay down there. Once he finally made it out of the underground, one of the first things he saw, other than a beautiful sunset, of course, was another human... this one was taller than Frisk, and, at first, David was actually somewhat scared of him, but... soon enough, Erion, the human, convinced David that he meant no harm, that he wants there to be peace just as much as David did. The two became friends after that, and soon enough, David was in a new college on the surface, where he continued the running gag of never being able to really work towards any particular degree. This was just about the time where he found out that the human he saw fighting Mettaton, who was apparently named 'Frisk' vanished... said human was also responsible for the peace between humans and monsters, and fearing a possible war, David tried to give a speech about how people and monsters alike shouldn't judge one another... but, it seemed to fall on deaf ears, as nobody wanted to listen to him... he was apparently a joke in that college, so, the crowd he had amassed just laughed, and left soon after. Appearance: David is a strange creature. While he has the general appearance of a bipedal dragon, there are some decidedly bird parts on there... more specifically, he has feathers covering his back, wings, shoulders, and the top half of his tail. His arms also look quite a bit like bird legs, though, they have exactly five fingers, and he's capable of using them to manipulate tools (such as pencils). The feathers range in color from white to a light blue, however, his scales, which cover basically everything else are a contrasting red and orange color, with the occasional black scales. Oddly, he has a bird's beak rather than a dragon's scaly snout, but, said beak actually has a set of teeth for unknown reasons. He stands at about 5' tall, which makes him short among adult humans, but rather tall among children. His eyes are somewhat reptilian looking with slit-like pupils, and a yellow color around the pupils with almost no white area. His horns are a jet black color, as are his claws. I dunno... that's a good question. CAN I, or would I just phaze through the ghost? [/hider]