Riza heard the shuffling as she instantly went for some within the room. Though no surprise it was a chair, she held it at the ready till a small section of the vent fell and seeing something jump out. About to swing the chair like a bat, she saw it was Robin and lowered it till it was on it's legs. She felt some relief for Robin being here and finding her, but hearing about Wolf, worried her. However she also noticed the claw like cuts on his cheek. Before she could say anything, she heard the open and looked quickly to them to see Batman who seemed amused by their surprise. Though explained a little further into what happened. Though for what she knew of batman already, she nodded her head side to side a little. She looked back to Robin. "Your cheek." She moved over to see it a little better. "I am guessing this was an accident?" She asked. Though made sure it wasnt bad. Conner looked to Artemis when she asked about how Conner knew. Superboy looked around though looked to her again. "I could see it in her eyes. Looking around quickly, looking at the blood on her claws and how they dilated. Her body language gave off. I can tell the sign from that of myself. I've seen red plenty of times to know the signs. Takes alot of will power to keep yourself from letting it take over."