[hr][i][h3][color=plum]Trevor Obott[/color], [color=springgreen]Cindy Keagan[/color], & [color=MediumSlateBlue]Lucille Hartigan[/color].[/h3][/i][hr] Cindy's scooter came to a stop in front of the Obott household. Trevor hopped off, as he gave Cindy a happy look as he ran up the steps. Cindy herself shook her head as she put one leg on the ground. Rainfall began again. God damn it, she wasn't going to catch a damn cold in the middle of the summer. She ran up the stairs, extending her hand as she shouted, "Hey, wait, Obott! I'm not sitting out here in the rain!" Trevor quickly slid his keys in through the front door, and left it open for Cindy. He didn't have a second to waste! "Just comin' back to grab something, Titty Monster!" Trevor shouted as he ran up the stairs. Brushing some of the rain off her head, Cindy stepped inside, and kicked the door shut behind her. Shouting, "Someone gonna break in your house if you do shit like [i]that[/i] Obott!" She shook her head. Some people are just so careless with what they have. When she stepped inside, she wondered where Lucy was. You see, since the battle against REAPER, Cindy and Lucy have been getting a bit closer. Saving her just caused her friendship to bloom. "Hey, uh, Lucy, you here?" "I'm in the kitchen!" Lucy shouted as she washed dishes. She had cooked these delicious omelets with pumpkin she had learned from her mother. "What you guys are doing here? Where's big sis?" Cindy nodded her head, and walked into the kitchen. "Heeeeeey!" Cindy greeted her. "What are we doing? Well, to start off, Trevor-" She put her hands on her hips, and rolled her eyes. "-Found these two Japanese kids, and he wants to show them around the city. And by that, I mean he wants to have a look at the Ghost Town." "W-what?" Lucy stopped washing the dishes. "You lost your mind?" "I know, it's dumb." Cindy shrugged. "But he got Feng on board, and it looks like a lil' bit of fun." "Last time I went to that shithole something chased us." Lucy shrugged paying no attention. "What chased you?" Cindy smiled, raising an eyebrow. "A dog? What? You scared of dogs, too?" "I just don't want to be caught." She replied with a sigh. "Well, okay, I go. But before, someone want omelette? There's leftovers in the fridge." She smiled. "Naaaaaaaaaah... I think we should eat [i]after[/i] our little adventure. Just in case we have to do some running." Cindy smiled. She was happy to have Lucy along. So it won't just be Meifeng bickering with the twins, or Trevor sexually harassing everyone. "Of course! Exercise the thighs!" She waved her hands. "Just what I don't need... Let me get my phone." She said going up the stairs to her room. "Yeah, yeah... I'll be out here if you need anything." Cindy turned around, and pointed her fingers up into the air. "Now I'm more concerned about my safety." She teased with a big smile. "Don't worry, I got you, girl." Cindy replied, smiling widely at Lucy. ".... Yeeeah, Lucy, she'll [i]protect[/i] you." Trevor said as he ran down the stairs, snickering like a fool. Slung over his shoulder was a gym bag - the gym bag he always used to hold his bow and arrow, knife, and other hunting equipment. His foot hit the bottommost stair, and he looked at Cindy. "Oh, you shut up, for just one second." Cindy threw her hands up in the air. "What? Is Titty Monster coming along with us?" Trevor grinned widely as he looked in the direction of the kitchen. "I'm going! I'm going!" Lucy yelled from first floor. "Then wait, we got here on Cindy's scooter..." Trevor said as he ran his hands through the air. "How will Lucy come with us?" "Oh?" Cindy left her mouth open for a second, as she put her hands on her hips and tilted her head. "I got nothing, unless ya'll wanna stack up on the scooter?" "Staying next to Trevor? No, thanks." "Bus?" Trevor shrugged. "Yeah. Better get going then." "Actually, Obott." Cindy flashed Trevor a smirk. "[i]You[/i] can take the bus. I can take Lucy to the Ghost Town on my scooter." She started laughing. "Awwww, you gonna do that?" Trevor shrugged. "Better hurry or you'll miss the bus." Lucy winked to Trevor. "Well, gosh darnit." Trevor kicked his boots at the ground, and crossed his arms. He was going to wait until they leave so he can lock up. "Now, shall we?" Cindy walked out the door, and ran down the steps of the beach house. Getting onto the scooter, and sliding up a bit so Lucy could get on. She turned back around, and patted the spot where Lucy could sit. "You getting on?" "It sure beats the bus." Lucy smirked, before sitting on the scooter behind Cindy. With a confident grin, Cindy sped off into the streets of Verthaven, unobstructed by the idiotic rain. She was heading back to the club.