He was just trying to be helpful, what'd he have to go and get covered in sand for? Maybe he ought not to have dropped Luna's thing like that, but still! "Jeez... Now my skin feels all gross and dirty," the pugilist whined, leaning over and using the surf to wash himself clean. Once he was properly cleansed he gave himself a shaking off, taking his time crossing the sand as not to kick any up and soil himself all over again. It looked like everyone had finally arrived, save for a certain girl whom he was secretly hoping wouldn't show. It wasn't that he didn't dislike Minerva, quite the opposite in fact, he was certain he couldn't handle himself around her. "Heh... Maybe she'll be busy with some fans," Suto mumbled, smiling sheepishly as he rubbed at his neck. Just as he was reaching the group again Fitch signaled for everyone to go swimming, causing him to stop in mid-step, spin on his heel and begin back towards the water. "Way ahead of you guys! I'm all for it!" he shouted in delight, grinning as he dove headfirst into the water, disappearing beneath the waves. "It looks nice, you did a good job picking it," Luna said with a smile and nod, feeling a bit odd speaking to Yari like this. It was so strange, she was speaking to someone she knew and yet she wasn't at the same time; they hadn't been terribly close before the incident, and now it felt like that gap had extended tenfold. In some ways though this turnaround was a blessing, it gave her a chance to try being a better friend and support Yari in these troubling times. Suto was Fitch's back up, but Yari couldn't rely on that knucklehead for help all of the time too. She needed someone a bit more level headed and reliable, someone who would be around when needed. "Thank you. It's not exactly what I would normally wear, but the selection at the shop was pitiful at best," Luna replied, frowning as she glanced down and adjusted one of the shoulder straps, "The fact that this cost 400 Col too is absurd, don't you think? The material isn't even that good." It had supposedly been designed by some great NPC weaver, yet if this was the work of a renowned craftsman then she feared for the future of Aincrad's work force. Realizing she was into her habit of complaining again she dropped the subject, not wanting to come across as someone who always was on about problems. Instead Luna rose to her feet slowly and placed her hands on the small of her back, leaning backwards to pop it before letting out a contented sigh. "We should go swimming, otherwise we got these suits of ours for nothing," Luna spoke with a smile, winking before reaching out and snatching up Yari's hand, "Come on! I'm sure the water's fine!" None of the boys were whining about it being cold, and if nothing else she trusted them to tell her something was wrong. "You too Alphard, and you as well Yuna! We came here to enjoy ourselves didn't we?" Pulling Yari along she hurried down to the water, not even bothering to test it as she barreled in, releasing Yari's hand to dive in and swim out before surfacing a few yards away. Beaming happily she shook her head to get her hair from her eyes, standing up in the chest-deep water and waving the other girls over. "Well come on, what are you waiting for? Get out here!" Suto was elated to be swimming, to finally be doing something enjoyable and to get their minds off of things after so long. With how much drama had been going on lately this was a much needed reprieve, one that everyone seemed to be enjoying. Well, almost everyone, Fitch was still having trouble really feeling up to it; that smile he put on seemed genuine, but he knew his friend well enough to call the bluff. False happiness wasn't any good, yet he supposed it was nice Fitch was at least making an effort to be content. Swimming over to the aforementioned boy he grinned eagerly, pushing his arms forward and splashing him with a loud laugh. "Nice trunks! Way to copy me!" Suto teased, sticking out his tongue before laying backwards to float on top of the water, "Hehe, thanks for coming though Fitch, seriously. You're gonna have a blast tonight I just know it!" Others were having a good time as well, if not in the water. Others were for instance content to remain on dry land, lounging in a folding chair surrounded by girls and friends. Doku had considered swimming once or twice, yet every time he went to go in another beauty caught his eye, so here he was. Smirking at the little brunette on his arm he reached over and snatched up another grape from a small bunch, offering it to her and watching as she opened her mouth, playfully hitting her nose before popping it in. "Doku! Stop it!" the girl giggled, reaching up and slapping the boy's chest lightheartedly. "Stop what? I didn't do anything!" Doku retorted lamely, laughing as his chest was smacked again. "Alright, alright, I'll quit it. I was just showing you the new fruit-based Sword Art I had been practicing. Fearsome isn't it?" This girl was just too easy, near everything he said either got her to laugh or break into a smile, the simpleton. She was cute though, and she certainly had a nice chest, so he'd abide by her idiocy for the time being. Besides, if he got tired of her there were a handful of others nearby, one of which he was sure wouldn't mind being with him. Enjoyable as it was to surround himself with women however he wasn't here for just that, but rather to look for someone; that boy he had fought the day before, Fitch if he recalled, he wanted to see him. Or more importantly he wanted to extend an offer again, see if the kid might take him up on it. He'd heard in passing their little entourage might come here, and while he'd not seen anyone just yet he'd wait it out a bit longer, just in case.