Anya more or less woke up, well not really woke up moreso re-gained the ability of cognitive thought, jammed between two dumpsters of trash. Her first thought was [i]oh holy shit this stinks what[/i], her second thought was shoving one of the dumpsters away so as to escape her make-shift prison. Lucky for her she wasn't over-weight or she'd be hard pressed to manevour her arms around in front of her. She easily pushed the dumpster in front of her out of the way and stood up. Looking around she was in some kind of alleyway behind some kind of old office building. "Well..this definetely isn't something I'd ever think of." She spoke to herself, looking down each end of the alley, and eventually up above her. Someone she'd never seen before in any of her dreams, much less real life, was standing on an old rickety balcony a floor above her. Slamming one of the lids of the dumpsters closed Anya climbed on top to get a better look at the person. He was quite clearly older than she was, and definetely no one she'd ever seen before. She could've sworn she saw faint squiggly movement under the mans left shirt sleeve but shrugged it off, thinking it was simply this weird and creepy place playing tricks on her. "Hey! Who are you!" She called out, waving up at him. "And where are we? I don't recall thinking this place up before." Maybe the man was one of the background characters she'd thought up before to talk to her and she accidentally thought of this place somehow. [@Equinox]