Heirn thought about how far he had come in just a few short weeks. He had been a blacksmith's son, working the forge in his little village in the north. Then the dragon had come. The town had flown into a panic. Old Trentalla had thrown a fit, claiming it was the end times. But then the dragon had calmly landed just outside the village, and a man had marched into the town, straight up to his father's forge. He had stated his purpose as a Dragon Rider, and demanded Heirn come with him. His father had nodded slowly, though his mother had thrown a fit. Heirn and his father had sorted it all out by the end. Everyone knew the legend of the Dragon Riders. The man had taken him onto the great red creature of legend, and they had flown. Really flown. It had been absolutely amazing. He had been taken to this fort in the mountains. They had made him jump the 7 or 8 feet from the dragon's back to the roof, since it couldn't land. It had been exciting. They had marched him directly up a large stone staircase to the top of a mountain, where an egg sat waiting for him. He had gazed at it, curious. He felt some need to sit and watch the egg. When it cracked, he had started and scrambled backward. The deep blue creature that came out was not what he expected. He had been imagining a full grown dragon, bursting forth from the egg, which was crazy. This little creature was almost cute. It had spoken, though in his head, not into the air. It had told him it's name was Hrox, and it had chosen him to be his rider. Heirn was enamored with the creature. After a while, one of the adult riders had come and they returned to the fort, leaving Hrox in peace. Heirn had been the first, but the other two had followed, experiencing similar things. They had not been given much time to interact, as they were mostly kept apart, though for what reason Heirn had been unable to discern. It had been quite boring, mostly confining him to his room. There were books to read and maps to look at though. Finally, early one morning, they had come for him, and given him the crimson robes he now wore. They had led him through tunnels and hallways into the fort, meeting up with the other two, until the three were brought to this tower. The etchings had fascinated him, though he had been quickly distracted by the massive dragons in the air behind the tower, and then again by the three people sitting in front of them at the odd stone table. They had sat, and then waited in silence for something to happen. Heirn started slightly as the figure in the center spoke. It sounded like a woman, which surprised him somewhat. She said to present himself to the council. He waited for one of the others to stand. They both sat to his right. He could tell at least one was a girl, long blonde hair hanging out of her hood. Finally, he rose, figuring if nobody else was going to he might as well. [color=f7941d]"I am Heirnisch Vaulenfold of the village of Daneskold, in the far north. I don't know why I was chosen, but I will try to fulfill my expectations. The dragon that chose me has named itself Hrox."[/color] He sat down awkwardly, unsure if he had said the right thing. At least he had said something.