[@FantasyChic][@Apollosarcher][@mewgirl99][@Tracyarmav] Anya frowned, her arms still crossed, while listening to Trinity and David. She sighed before speaking, "You have a point..I guess.". Then she realized she'd never actually called him racist out-loud, a psychic hunter, [i]great.[/i]"So, you can read minds huh? Neat." She told him, her mood shifting from angry back to her usual self. She stood and walked over to the door so she could talk to the now departing Dmitri and Liz without shouting. She waved at Liz and smiled, "You're welcome to come by again whenever you want, okay? I don't mind guests, really. As long as they don't bust up my door, that is." She told her. She then addressed Dmitri smiling, "I'll definetely come by, it's been a fair bit since I've done any hunting, and besides it's the least I could do in return for you replacing the door." She then turned to Trinity and David looking them over, she was always slightly wary when she was around other Hunters, even though most of them would have a hard time killing her. The Solomon was really the only one out of the two that worried her, if only due to that staff and namesake. She then asked her about a demon called Asmodeus. "Ummm...never heard of him. I don't deal with demons that often, much more equipped to deal with cultists, other vampires, and the like." She replied. "The last time I fought a demon it didn't really turn out too well..." "But I mean uh...if you're looking for help or something I'm not really doing much else right now?" She asked them, glancing between the two.