Rose closed her eyes when the bad returned her rose and she softly smiled. ''Thank you'' she whispered and then looked up at her fiance. She had to admit, he was a very handsome man but she was very much afraid that with that handsomeness, a lot of arrogance would come. Marcus looked at the young man and smiled. ''That is true.. My youngest daughter was born a human as she is born from a human mother'' he said. ''She let me turn her when she was eighteen years old'' he then said. The tone in his voice made Rose roll her eyes. ''I am sorry Sir Tepes, I am maybe not a pure blood but I am just as much vampire as you are.. I would now like to show you the way to the dining room so we can have a peaceful dinner'' she said, she had lost her temper, she knew. She also knew that she was in trouble, feeling the look of her father on her face. Rose turned around and walked gracefully towards the Dining room. She was followed by her sisters who all gave her a stern look and she just smiled. At the table that she would share with her own family and the members of the Tepes family, she waited for the oldest ones. Her own father and the father of her fiance could sit, followed by the other important members. Eventually she sat down at the end of the table, she had always liked the spot as she was not in the center of everyone's attention. Vlad's father whispered something to hers and Marcus nodded. ''Rose honey, I would like you to trade your seat with your sisters, so you can sit next to our special guest'' he said. Rose wished for simply being absorbed by the ground but she got up, walked to the new chair and when her sister had got up too, she sat down next to her fiance. ''Good evening.. Sir'' she said and then looked into the room. Everyone looked at her and Vlad VII !!! She didn't like this.