[center][hr][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/a0/49/62/a04962d8e2d1a7d8d566c2d2aa9732ca.gif[/img] [hr][/center] [color=red][B]| [color=yellow][I]NAME:[/I][/color] |[/B][/color] [INDENT]Rick Allen[/INDENT] [color=red][B]| [color=yellow][I]ALIAS:[/I][/color] |[/B][/color] [INDENT]Undecided - after all, there's already a Kid Flash.[/INDENT] [color=red][B]| [color=yellow][I]AGE:[/I][/color] |[/B][/color] [INDENT]17[/INDENT] [color=red][B]| [color=yellow][I]ABILITIES/SKILLS/EQUIPMENT:[/I][/color] |[/B][/color] [INDENT][color=red][b][u]POWERS -[/u][/b][/color] [color=yellow][b]Superspeed[/b][/color] [INDENT][INDENT]Like his unbiological father, Barry, Rick is gifted with the power of superspeed. It isn't as fast as Barry's, but has still allowed Rick to get around faster than the usual human. However, there is a chance that he will break the sound barrier at age 20, although this might just be speculation. Whether he will eventually break the light barrier is unknown. Rick's increased speed also augments his reaction time, giving him faster reflexes than any human. However, it's yet again not as fast as Barry's, with the fastest him being able to catch is an arrow during archery that almost hit him in the chest. (Whether it was intended or not is still unknown to this day.)[/INDENT][/INDENT] [color=yellow][b]Rapid Cellular Regeneration[/b][/color] [INDENT][INDENT]The third power of Barry's, Rick has dramatically heightened healing capacities. This is caused by his body's molecules moving at accelerated rates, causing the chemical reactions responsible for metabolism to mend and even restore any damages much quicker and efficiently than regular humans. It's roughly the same speed of Barry's, with it taking three hours to recover fully from a broken wrist, and roughly a couple of days for a broken leg or arm. This also means he tends to lose colds as quickly as he got them, much to most people's annoyance. Another effect of this is that Rick's aging is decreased, meaning he'll probably still look 17 at age 23.[/INDENT][/INDENT] [color=yellow][b]Accelerated Perception[/b][/color] [INDENT][INDENT]The fourth and final power gained from Barry's DNA, Rick's speed also extends to his senses and mental capacities, making him able to take in information and process it just as fast. This allows him to see the world as if it is in slow motion, which combined with his physical speed lets him think, perform actions and react to events, long before a normal human could even perceive them.[/INDENT][/INDENT] [color=yellow][b]Increased Intelligence[/b][/color] [INDENT][INDENT]Though it isn't known from whom (or what) he gained this power, Rick has increased intelligence and an IQ level of 197, being classed as profoundly gifted. This also means he is a quick learner, and can zoom through an exam in at least 10 minutes.[/INDENT][/INDENT] [color=yellow][b]Impenetrable Mind[/b][/color] [INDENT][INDENT]Thanks to Rick's... "birth", he is incredibly strong-willed, and mental torture just floats through him. His mind is like that of ten zen buddhists, allowing him to clear it in an instant. This would aid him greatly if he were ever to be interrogated or questioned, and allows him peaceful sleep.[/INDENT][/INDENT] [color=red][b][u]NORMAL SKILLS -[/u][/b][/color] [color=yellow][b]Parkourist[/b][/color] [INDENT][INDENT]Like most ordinary human teenagers, Rick has ordinary hobbies. His main one is parkour. Being the quick learner he is, Rick was able to train in the field of parkour in a matter of days, and now shows his skills to whoever's willing to watch. And these days? Not many people, really.[/INDENT][/INDENT] [color=yellow][b]Photographer[/b][/color] [INDENT][INDENT]Another hobby Rick is passionate about is photography. He owns a pretty high-quality Nikon camera, and can often be found taking pictures of nature in and around campus. Most of his spare time consists of doing just that, and posting it to his social media pages.[/INDENT][/INDENT] [color=yellow][b]Skateboarder[/b][/color] [INDENT][INDENT]Rick's final hobby is skateboarding. He enjoys doing this a lot, as it allows him to get around at just the right speed for him, instead of walking slowly or zooming about everywhere.[/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT] [color=red][B]| [color=yellow][I]LIMITATIONS AND WEAKNESSES:[/I][/color] |[/B][/color] [INDENT][list] [*] While moving at accelerated speeds, Rick burns calories much faster than a normal person. This requires him to consume large amounts of nutrients to maintain his peak physical performance & condition. If he continues to use his super speed without enough calories and nutrients make him disoriented and weak before ultimately passing out. Also, because of his accelerated healing, he is unable to be given painkillers, sedatives, or anesthetics, as his body's metabolism burns through them too quickly for them to have any effect. [*] Because speed is produced by a build-up of heat in the target's atoms, Rick is vulnerable to extreme cold temperatures. Under these conditions, his speed will be greatly reduced. Also, direct exposure to such cold will temporarily restrict his healing capacities. [*] Rick's body produces massive amounts of electricity, which charges his molecules to allow for his accelerated movements. Should he be drained of said electricity, he will lose his powers. However, as his powers are merged with his DNA, he can potentially regain his speed by using more electricity to jumpstart it. [*] A drawback of Rick's super speed is that he has no control over it. It can often go off at random times, sometimes dubbing him as quite the troublemaker on campus. This has caused him to go missing in the past, before it was discovered that he passed out in a bush because of prolonged running without enough nutrients.[/list][/INDENT] [color=red][B]| [color=yellow][i]SAMPLE POST:[/i][/color] |[/B][/color] [INDENT][i]You know, you'd think a guy with super speed [b]wouldn't[/b] be the one to get picked on? According to these guys, he does. Sorry, bad introduction there, huh? My name's Rick Allen, unbiological son of the fastest man alive, Barry Allen. "Unbiological?", I hear you ask. Let's just say I'm adopted. But shhh, you can find out all about that later. For now, let's focus on the topic at hand - me being chased through busy school corridors by a bunch of asshats who think it'd be fun to attempt to hang me up on a tree. Did they succeed? Find out in the next episode, same bat-time, same bat-channel! Nah, just kidding. Here's the story:[/i] Another Monday morning, another chase through the corridors. That was life for Rick Allen. Though, it didn't really help matters when he had to get around on a skateboard, or risk the chance of faceplanting into a wall, when the school corridors were this busy. [color=yellow][i]Lunch?![/i][/color] He screamed in his mind. [color=yellow][i]Out of all the times to play pin-the-Rick-on-the-tree, and they pick LUNCH?!?[/i][/color] Right now, Rick was feeling quite relieved that he'd eaten that massive English breakfast that morning, otherwise he'd be starved by now. He had a feeling that he wasn't gonna be able to eat for a while. Oh, if only that were true. But no, instead he had this stupid goddamn super speed. Sure, it was cool and all being able to zoom around faster than a leopard, but it was so damn temperamental! And the nutrients, all the nutrients! Exercise bars tasted like crap! Rick was snapped out of his monologue-style ranting as his fears came true - he faceplanted straight into a wall. [color=yellow]"Ugh... fuck..."[/color] He groaned, as four grinning faces came into view, picking him up and carrying him out of the door. --- [i]Oof.[/i] Rick landed with a thud on the grass. [color=yellow][i]Ow! Why's it so hard? It's mud![/i][/color] He got up, rubbing his head and reaching round to the bottom of his back. Just as he'd suspected. Well, that was shirt number fourteen ripped by a branch, only six more to go and he'd have to buy a new set of shirts. Only problem was, he had no money. [color=yellow][i]Oh well,[/i][/color] He thought as he walked back to class. [color=yellow][i]that's future Rick's problem.[/i][/color] If only he knew how close he was to [i]being[/i] future Rick.[/INDENT] [color=red][B]| [color=yellow][i]NOTES:[/i][/color] |[/B][/color] [indent][list] [*] Rick actually leaves behind a white and gold trail, unlike Barry's red and yellow one. [*] Dr. Pepper all the way, baby.[/list][/indent] [hider=Relationship Sheet][CENTER][hr][h3]RICK'S RELATIONSHIP SHEET[/H3][hr][SUB][B][I]// [color=0072bc]Friend[/color] // [color=00a99d]Acquaintance[/color] // [color=f26522]Frenemy[/color] // [color=fff200]Rival[/color] // [color=ed1c24]Enemy[/color] // [color=ed145b]Crush[/color] // [color=7bcdc8]Family[/color] //[/I][/B][/SUB][/CENTER] [INDENT][LIST] [*][color=ed145b][B]Mariand'r Greyson:[/B][/color] [INDENT][I]Me and Mari don't see each other much - I tend to end up stuck in a bush rather than in class - but when we do, she thinks it's funny to make me perspirate. I've learned this feeling is quite a strong one, and I'm weary of it - I've gotta be at my best if I wanna get control of my speed. I wish we could just be friends, but lord almighty... I probably shouldn't talk about it. She almost blew Freddie into space when he made a personal comment to her face. That must've taken a pair and a half.[/I][/INDENT] [*][color=fff200][B]Tanya Liberty Lamont:[/B][/color] [INDENT][I]Tanya is Mari's roommate, so obviously I tend to see her around, too. She's funny though. Little birdie thinks she's the fastest on campus. It's cute, really. Still, it'd be fun to race her one of these days. Might just ask her about it once I get the courage to.[/I][/INDENT] [*][B]Kyle Lancaster:[/B] [INDENT][I]Eh, I've never really met the kid. All I know is he's a bit of a freak about people touching him. Maybe he's scared of germs?[/I][/INDENT] [*][color=00a99d][B]Freddie Blackwell:[/B][/color] [INDENT][I]I haven't seen him around much, but, again, he's a friend of Mari's, so I might stop by and talk to him some day. He has an interest in the visual arts, so I might be able to show him my photography I've done.[/I][/INDENT] [*][B]Julian Luthor:[/B] [INDENT][I]Uhm, who?[/I][/INDENT] [*][color=00a99d][B]Jack Kyle:[/B][/color] [INDENT][I]I feel sorry for the poor boy. He's being judged for things his mother did, not what he did. And it doesn't make it any better when I walk out on him in the middle of him possibly trying to make friends. I'll have to remind myself to apologise for that.[/I][/INDENT] [*][color=0072bc][B]Fen Murray:[/B][/color] [INDENT][I]Fenris? He's not bad. I don't get what people's problem is with him. I like to believe we're friends, but I'm unsure of whether he even knows who I am. Oh well.[/I][/INDENT] [*][color=fff200][B]Kieran Kent:[/B][/color] [INDENT][I]Pfft. Another one who thinks they're the fastest kid on campus. Only this time, this guy takes it seriously. I knew he was an alien, but he's dumber than I was within the first week of my birth! He seriously needs to stop being so serious. Perhaps Jack could lighten him up...[/I][/INDENT] [*][color=ed1c24][B]S'tann S'tonn:[/B][/color] [INDENT][I]Oh, don't get me started with that fucking prick. I recently learned it was him who was the doppelganger, and how much of a dick he is. Ugh, I just wanna run him around the world and dump him in Africa. Maybe then he'll realise the worth of humans, after all. Soon I'll teach him just how "superior" he is. I don't know how Professor J'onn can admit he's related to S'tann. I'd be ashamed to state it.[/I][/INDENT] [*][color=f26522][B]Richard Dowle:[/B][/color] [INDENT][I]This guy needs to learn his place. He seems to think because he's magic that he is the Alpha. He'll soon learn otherwise.[/I][/INDENT] [*][B]Jason Kama:[/B] [INDENT][I]I hear he's the son of Aquaman. Might be a good idea to chat to him one day. We might be able to do a race across water.[/I][/INDENT] [*][B]Mailsi Kelly:[/B] [INDENT][I]All I know is she's a banshee. Might wanna steer clear of her if I want my eardrums to stay intact. She doesn't seem to like me all that much.[/I][/INDENT] [*][color=7bcdc8][B]Amethyst Bordeaux:[/B][/color] [INDENT][I]Ah, my niece. I'm not sure of whether she sees me as a good uncle or an annoying one, but I just hope she knows I'm looking out for her. I feel her pain, though - the world judges her because of her personality, but it's her mother's fault. I don't see why she should be judged because her mother's Jinx. Though, then again, it's probably just a Jack case all over again. Sometimes, I hate people.[/I][/INDENT] [*][B]Rita Rexen:[/B] [INDENT][I]Never heard of her.[/I][/INDENT] [*][color=00a99d][B]Casey Harper:[/B][/color] [INDENT][I]I've seen him around. He tends to get a little annoying, what with his constant yearning for chaos and action, but it's quite fascinating to see a [b]real[/b] faerie. I might talk to him some day.[/I][/INDENT][/LIST][/INDENT][/hider]