Rose looked at him with narrowed eyes and then looked at her plate. When he had given the orders to fill her plate with the things he had chosen she didn't say a thing and once the maid moved on, she started to eat. She felt her oldest sister look at her but she didn't react on it. Marcus sighed at his daughter's reaction after her short speech. This was going to be a disaster, but he had to keep his hopes up. He looked at the young Vlad and smiled. ''It is a weird time, sometimes I wish to go back in time but then again, maybe this new world gives new opportunity's. A few hundred years ago our clans were in a great war and look now, we are about to become one clan.. of course with separated houses'' he said. Rose choked on the bite she just had taken and took her glass, she drank from it and looked at her father when she had swallowed the peace that had gotten stuck in her throat. ''Father.. you said we would live in one house.. Separated houses, does that mean that after tonight I am going to the house of Lord and Sir Tepes?'' she asked. ''I said, my dear Rose, that it was a possibility but Lord Vlad and I discussed and knew it would be better to stay in our own houses.. So yes, you are going to move there'' her father said. Rose swallowed and then looked at her plate, not feeling really hungry anymore.