Durandal Hopsfield headed up the mountains, not noticing the cold due to his lengthy robes. After almost being nearly forced to face eternal winter, the white mage's father had discovered how to construct clothes imbued with magic that were resistant to almost every type of environment, powered by a slow drain on the users mana pool. A slight drain on mana however was obviously better than dying of hypothermia, so Durandal was once again reluctantly thankful for yet another of the gifts his family had graced him with. The white mage was told that his objective would be to explore the wizards towers and find it's riches, promising a substantial reward. Five others would accompany him. Upon arriving at the scene an hour later, the mage was instantly convinced of that a small child would have been more appropriate for the mission. The tower was ... disappointing. Ignoring the others for a moment, the mage tried to scan the tower for any trace of magic. Nothing. Aside from the bug creature, and some traces of energy left from the couple, Durandal picked up no magical energy from the tower. [url=http://vocaroo.com/i/s1GG8Ns3UoAr]"That's ... Odd"[/url] It was more than odd, it was terrifying. The fact that it was a wizard's tower should have at least made the place detectable, which made this a sign that perhaps his previous assessment was a huge underestimation of the tower's dangers. The wizard who had created the tower clearly had a wealth of knowledge. Guessing that these were the other five members of the exploration party, Hopsfield delivered a nod towards them and also started to head towards the tower door, seeking shelter in order to avoid continuing the drain on his mana. The party could talk inside if it needed to, and that was where he would observe each of his allies in greater detail.