[center][b]Brotherhood of Breakers[/b][/center] [center][hider=Image][img]http://i66.tinypic.com/2ypm1ox.png[/img][/hider][/center] [b]Display Name:[/b] Vegnya [b]Ephithet:[/b] [i]The Grand Master[/i] [b]RP Speech Color: [color=FF00FF]"Do you swear to uphold our values of life and loyalty?"[/color][/b] [b]Description:[/b] Vegnya's avatar appears to be an attractive young woman in her early adult years. She has flawless skin with a milky complexion. Standing at an average 5'7", Vegnya has scrutinizing crimson eyes with inhumanly vertical slit pupils. She is mostly noticeable for her impractically long hair that takes on different shades of fuchsia and violet. She favors pony-tailing her hair with a white ribbon. She wears a tank top that's a shade darker than her hair, along with white capris and black stiletto heels. A kimono hangs lazily off her shoulders. [b]Weapon:[/b]«The Crescent» -A long curved sword resembling the Japanese nodachi. It is a powerful blade that can cut at multiple enemies at once. [b]Skill Slots:[/b] [list][*]Katana- A necessity at most. Used to wield and tame The Crescent. [*]Acrobatics- Useful for battle and evading player-killers. [*]Parry- Deflection of HP-consuming blows, usually done with Crescent sheathed. [*]First Aid- A means of survival. [*]Cooking- Providing tasty dishes for the Brotherhood, and they only get better.[/list] [b]Breaker:[/b] [i]Unlimited Funds[/i]- With unauthorized access to riches beyond a player's imagination, Vegnya was able to fund the creation of the Brotherhood and its network of resources. She happily shares her Cor with every member of the Brotherhood, sparing no expense to live comfortably in a virtual reality prison. While luxury is a usual vice, Vegnya has used her money as a form of political power, influencing even the decision making of other prominent Guilds, and enlisting the services of non-Brotherhood players.