[img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/disgaea/images/2/28/Prinny_d1p.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/185?cb=20100723012030&path-prefix=en[/img] Name: Prinny #567,698,445 Gender: Male Age: ??? Height: 3'0 Weight: 40 Rank/Title: Extremely Disposable Penguin Special: Explodes when thrown Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBGN-ORL3pw Bio: [color=0054a6]"One moment I'm slaving away for a demon and the next I'm thrown into some portal for his amusement dood. I end up in some lab for some crazy guy who forces me to pilot his stupid mech designs in exchange for getting back to work. I mean a ball dood? Really dood? It's no pringer X that's for sure. I don't even have fingers dood! Do you know how hard it is to pilot a mech with no fingers dood?! I just want to get out of here to be reincarnated as a human dood..."[/color] [img]http://www.prepcasts.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/BasketballStockImage.jpg[/img] Name: Spalding prototype Alpha mark zero point four five six seven two Type: A mech... That's a ball. It's not all that super is it? Dimensions: 100 inches in diameter Weight: 2750 metric tons Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H4s6luRfKY8 Stats: Strength: 10 Armor: 90 Firepower: 10 Performance: 50 Mobility: 30 Energy Output: 40 Sensors: 80 Description: Round and orange like a ball Developed by some crazy guy Special features: can be dribbled. Weapons: [color=0054a6]"Does this thing have weapons or something dood? What do you mean it can only move around?!"[/color] Abilities: Great at absorbing energy and taking a beating, makes a nice sound when it hits the ground. Rather bouncy. Signature Moves: Current combination attacks: Dunkin Donuts ((totally serious here. :zaru))