Name: Doctor Charles Richardson Alias: Doc, Richardson, [For what the players call him] Age: 38 Gender: Male Origin: A white caucasian male, he is from the union side of the war. Current Occupation: None, he has just finished his role in war Appearance: A very tall man, standing at 1 meter 7, short brown hair is forever stuck to his face as he walks around, he has one eye, one being biological the other being made of glass. He wears a monocle, not because he needs it but because he thinks it makes him look smarter. The one eye he has is a light brown going grey over time. In terms of clothes he wears a grey waistcoat with a gold chain connected to his pocket watch in his top pocket. A white smart shirt and red jacket over the top. He has grey trousers and black leather smart shoes. His Colt 1851 Navy Revolver strapped to his leg and a Spencer Repeating rifle on his back. Personality: Crude and miserable. He cares not for their endless ramblings and problems, sad from when he arrived home from war to the day he will die. He hates life as a whole, can't imagine how all these kids can live knowing that great men died for them to live, men better than him. A real sour puss but has a heart none the less, if you have a problem. A real problem then he will try to help you the best he can. Skills/Abilities: Speed when in a hurry, Quick Drawing and shooting with his revolver despite the kick it has. He can also fire his rifle to a fast degree with a lower amount of accuracy. Speed with a horse and cart, lieing to anyone he can see. Miscellaneous: I'll cover IC History/Bio: Doc Richardson had a fairly average upbringing, average for what he would become. You see, Richardson is a troubled character with a troubled life and pedigree to prove just that. Born in 1827 to a couple of townies he had a ideal childhood in the large city of New York. His Father was a local Physician and he looked up to him like a hero, He worshiped and adored his father, because of him he never had to worry about money or other children giving him a tough time with anything. As he grew up he learnt lots about medicine and bio science. He even convinced his father to import medical journals from england and europe that he could learn from. A few years later he was made a surgeon, he was good at it in the next years, he felt, for those short years as if he was helping people. Making a real difference, he even had people survive surgery occasionally, and that made him feel talented. He read up on people who had racked up a fatality rate of 300% and laughed thinking he would never be like that. He vowed he would never be like that, never in a million years. How wrong he was. In 1861 the war started, he was at that time in a great point of life, he had money. Land and a wife. It was a real grand time, so when the war started he didn't want to join, would just be a waste of time. But when they started conscripting he knew he had to volunteer or he would just be another foot slogger. Unfortunately, they didn't take kindly to his late acknowledgement of duty so they made him a field medic, a really embarrassing job for a well known surgeon. All the men and women he treated were people he recognized from New York city and the look of glee when he was there to help made it better than he expected. Moving through the war he had to deal with bullet wounds and sword strikes. He saw many good men die because the army wouldn't free up a bed if an officer was taking some extra time on it. He went into that war a man of honor, believing that the government cared. And left knowing that too many good people died for what little reason. When he arrived home early in january the second 1865 he learnt his wife and children had moved on to a new husband and forgotten about him. So now he travels away from NY towards better opportunities. And that's how he arrived in Laredo Secrets: He was a feared man in the war, having a higher body count than most soldiers. The men who entered his surgery room left without their life, their soul or a appendage. He changes them when they enter his room, for better or worse (IE the pain would drive them insane. Not magic) Relations: PM me for ideas