[center][h1][u]The Monsters[/u][/h1][/center] [hider=Dragons] [center][img]https://s.yimg.com/lo/api/res/1.2/Hs3NvFmryar.lBhjks053Q--/YXBwaWQ9eWlzZWFyY2g7Zmk9Zml0O2dlPTAwNjYwMDtncz0wMEEzMDA7aD0zMTU7dz00ODg-/http://www.shigerusan.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/Dragon-Age-Inquisition-2.jpg.cf.jpg[/img][/center] [hr] [i]"Dragon hunting was once a prestigious sport, now these mighty beasts are so few to see one is to see a relic of the past"[/i] Scholar Printh, The Templar Field Guide A dragon is not a beast one willingly seeks after, at least not in these times. The magnificent creatures, on average, stand at least two stories tall and at least six peasant wagons in length. A dragon's scaled are thicker than the strongest armor any man or mer could craft and their leathery wings make for incredibly durable leather armor. To drink the blood of a dragon doubles the lifespan of the consumer at the cost of mutations over frequent consumption. Each organ has unique properties if prepared carefully before consumption. For example, to eat the eye of a dragon once it has been bathed in kingsroot bestows the gift of supernatural sight. Sir Ranold of Feldorn performed such a feat and from then to his death he has been able to spy the movements of enemies at the very edge of the horizon or the most carefully hidden spy in a dense forest. Of course if one wishes to gain such abilities, they must first slay a dragon. Fighting a dragon is a daunting task in itself, finding a dragon in these times is especially difficult as most have been driven to extinction and so have gone into hibernation. But say you discover a dragon and your first instinct, rather than flight, is to fight then prepare yourself for the most difficult battle of your life. A dragon uses every part of its body in a fight and has no concept of fair battle(if this ever was a fair battle to begin with). First off, know that all dragons have one weak spot which varies in location for each dragon. During the battle one must locate this spot while simultaneously fending off the beast's attacks. A dragon makes use of its breath, which can vary from fire to ice to electricity to any manner of magic. It's legs are more powerful than castle battering rams and should you be struck by one then fear not for you are dead by the time it makes contact. The wings of a dragon are just as dangerous as its claws or teeth(which are both sharp beyond measure), capable of knocking back attackers with the powerful winds it can create. Once you've discovered the dragon's weak point, be sure to pierce it with a spear however a sword is fine as well. If the weak point does not immediately slay the beast then that means there are multiple points which all cripple the dragon before ultimately causing death. Upon the creatures death, be sure to take whatever parts you wish from it but above all things be sure to burn the body. Dragon corpses left sunburnt either poisons the nearby land as it decays or-the more terrifying result-has a chance of resurrecting as an undead dragon which is much harder to slay. [/hider]