Arriving to the cell block and being greeted by Batman, Riza and Robin, Conner as well as the other looked toward the Cell block that seemed to be where Wolf has confined herself in. Conner had his attention on Batman when he asked him what they saw her. Looking to the Cell block with concern, looked back to Batman. "When Wolf ran through, she was scared and freaking out. Artemis tried to ask her what happen when I noticed that she had these bone like claws. There were blood on the tip of them. Then I saw that not only was she scared but she was seeing red. I could tell from her eyes and body language alone compared to myself. She seemed to resist the demand for what the urge wanted her to do and just took off. Meg'aan tried to take off after her but then after that, the lights shut off." Superboy explained to Batman. Riza listened to Conner's explanation and answer. Her eyes widened with shock and looked to the door. She went up to the cell's door and lightly touched it with only her fingers brushing against it. "The dream she had as Robin explained to me seemed to have triggered something. Sometimes Logan, her father would have these incidents. If someone was near him while he was asleep, having a bad dream and someone tried to wake him or was near him and he woke up, he would have no focus and he would accidentally lash out as if he was danger. Once he would come back to reality a few seconds later, he would realize just then what happen. Though when I heard this, it had only happened twice. Though that doesnt mean it hasn't happened any other time. Though as for seeing red," Riza turned back as she seemed to be thinking. "The only time I noticed is when Logan raged. It wasn't hard to piss him off. But you had to really piss him off for him to see red. Only then he would seem like an animal, not matter who was friend or foe. But this seems different. Something out of explanation to me." The young Stark though soon back away from the cell block a little. "Wolf? Wolf! What happen?!" She asked, speaking loudly, unknown if Wolf could hear her.