[quote=@McFazzer] Yeah, a Bard is a character that is most likely to fall into the trap of the "Jack of all Trades, Master of None". Having to juggle Weapons (ranged or melee depending on preference), Offensive and Defensive Magic. Plus every game I've played with a Bard has shown them to be squishy (hence I made Evasion and A for Lemonade... thinking of swapping Evasion and Luck around, better to never be hit to make up for squishy-ness) :P [/quote] But Bards aren't THAT squishy. They are relatively well-rounded, pretty standard stats. Not too high, not too low. F Defense seems more mage territory. It would make more sense for his Defense to be like C or B, and Giving him A evasion makes more sense than A luck(since its really only a loot and maybe chance of critical hits state). Honestly, if you were to give him an F, it should be in either wisdom or luck, 1. Because the bards songs typically dont heal2. Luck just has no benefits to a bard watsoever. Their songs neither inflict damage for critical hits(I think) nor do they help find better loot. Its their least beneficial stat. But thats just my analysis. It's up to you though. lol