[hider=Peter Brooke] [b]Name[/b]: [indent]Peter Brooke[/indent] [b]Age[/b]: [indent]45[/indent] [b]Description[/b]: [indent]A man made entirely of a unique metal alloy unable to be found in neither nature nor factory, tall and imposing, body muscularly sculpted, and with only a single arm. Peter was a Maine-born stem cell doctor and disabled United States army veteran before he was indoctrinated into the Hands of Science, before he made a decision to end his own life. He volunteered in testing the Hands' completed power-serum prototype giving him the body and powers he possesses now, turning him into human super-weapon. Cunning, brilliant, deadly, and willing to do anything for the sake of advancing his work, Peter has proved to be more than what NEST can handle. His actions call into question of what remains of his humanity, but so does the altruism of his medical research. Where his allegiance lies among the Hands of Science is blurry at best.[/indent] [b]Powers[/b]: [indent]There is little left of Peter's original body other than its shape. His body is made completely up with a shiny, sleek, non-rusting and non-corroding metallic skin strong enough that it allows him to be very much capable of withstanding beatings that would kill most other people. Further, this metallic body appears to be simply a boat for another ability: his brain is a generator. It produces generous amounts of electricity of which he is capable of controlling. He can control the flow of the current through any part of his body, keeping the current in place in his head or in his hands, and even arcing the electricity into the environment around him. This allows him incredible reflexes normal humans aren't capable of reaching, since the transfer of electricity through the metal alloy is faster than the electric signals sent from a standard brain to the neurons in your typical nervous system. However, his perceptions of sight and sound as we know it had been eradicated completely, and is seemingly vulnerable to the world around him. However, there's a method for him getting around this. Arcing low-voltage currents of electricity into his surroundings allows him to know where the current stops or where it is interrupted, giving him a sense of where things are. Interactions with this current creates a sound that "resonates" back to Peter, and sound waves causes a similar form of interaction. The change in sound waves also changes the sound Peter receives, so is capable of understanding speech. Similarly, interaction with this static sends his metal body a message allowing him to perceive something akin to a sense of touch, though the force or texture of such doesn't change the sensation. He can channel large amounts of electricity to form straight-up lightning bolts or controlled energy where he can condense electricity and form it into shapes - thereby creating an arm for his right shoulder which he can control. Using electricity, he can also create electro-magnetic fields which he can freely control, allowing him to stick to surfaces, launch himself through space like a railgun, control magnetized metal, and use it on himself to enhance his strength and repair damages. He can also receive information from technology from their electric signals.[/indent] [/hider]