[quote=@Simple Unicycle] [@claw2k11] "Uh... I'll put me brass on the orc." With that, Connor tosses in two bronze pieces and watches the fight. [/quote] "That'll win ya 2 platinum coins." The man says. "I don't know why, but a lot of people here bet on the human guy." He says as a bell is rung. "Oh, the fight's started." The human charged at the orc, swinging a punch at him, who unfazed caught the man's fist, then uppercuts him, knocking him down. The orc then quickly proceeds to savagely beat on the man for a minute or so, then gets up wiping the blood of his hands. "That guy WAS at the head of a mob, so I suppose that's why they didn't vote against him." He says handing Connor two platinum coins. "Heard the orc and his mates be searching for a job, you might get be able to hire them for a month with one of those coins." He says before going to distribute the wins of the bet to other people.