[url=http://vocaroo.com/i/s0ZIbpILJiGh]"You're not going crazy, master dwarf" Jacoby said reassuringly when Hargrim declared he was crazy "We can see him too. That's a herkurian, not a hallucination"[/url]. It was then that Jacoby noticed Durandal. He opened his mouth to greet the new arrival, but before he could, Athalzerus opened the door. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MUL5w91dzbo]"YAAHOOHOOHOOHOOEY"[/url] Jacoby hollered as the party was sucked into the portal. As they traveled through the portal Jacoby and Chomp were amazed by the dazzling color, the other worldly sounds, and the general trippyness of their current surroundings. [url=http://vocaroo.com/i/s1AFeVzoRHDe]"I never though I'd say this, but I've found something more fun than flying!"[/url] Jacoby exclaimed as they continued through the portal. [url=http://vocaroo.com/i/s1puJDRM1jRi]"This is the most stunning sight I've ever seen!"[/url] Jacoby declared before noticing that Marianne was still next to him. [url=http://vocaroo.com/i/s138FBWgbWDv]"I stand corrected" Jacoby said "You outclass it by a mile"[/url].