Marianne blinked, letting go of the arm she was holding to turn in the direction of a new voice. It sounded distinctively young and one obviously too enthusiastic for the grave journey they were all about to embark upon. Hearing the boy’s introduction, Marianne smiled kindly, bowing to show her manners. Well then, he certainly had quite the number of bones to play with. Tilting her head, she watched the group up ahead move ever closer to the wizard’s tower. Taking that as her cue to follow onward as well, the otherwise silent girl winked at Jacoby before following the heated footsteps of a red, rock thing. The dark-haired girl only gave pause when the group halted, noticing the single white mage of the group daring towards the tower’s entrance alone. The dwarf of the group-Marianne noted his name to be Hargrim-gave a call of warning before the tower’s entrance had been breached. A smile of amusement and curiosity crossed Marianne’s pale features as she stared the swirling vortex of color and sound. Soon, the feeling of forced motion overridded all of her senses and she found herself pulled towards the portal much like the others. At that moment she noticed Jacoby beside her. Despite the whooshing of the world all around them, she could clearly hear his words directed towards her. She opened her mouth, letting loose a small giggle as she reached into her pocket to reveal a black book. However, her laughter went unheard and it was difficult to deduce if it was because of the rapid portal or her voice was just that soft.