[h2]King of Heroes[/h2] Gilgamesh seemed to soak in Saber's frustration with amusement, eyes only briefly wavering from her person to take in the newcomer, before he moved slightly to the side to keep the unbroken stare. It hardly mattered where she'd come from, though it lent further credence to the idea that something was behind this summoning. Something with questionable taste, if they were including monsters along with Heroes. "You would fight me purely for your own desires, Saber?" the demigod asked, voice containing none of the mockery that the statement implied--the noble King of Knights, striking out simply to fight him, "This is no war to the death, even if creatures like that thing might deserve it." 'That thing' was obviously Koishi. Apparently, having a fleshy, living eye (albeit closed) hanging around your person in fairly inscrutable ways was not good for being identified as a human, who knew? Of course, her presence on top of the Heroic Spirits' raised the important question: just who [i]else[/i] had shown up here for no apparent reason?