[quote=@BytheSpleen] [@Claw2k11] Iosef glares at the murloc, and sighs as he nods. He then takes the horse by its reins, and walks into the brush for a good place to hide. [/quote] He just flashes a smile before standing in the middle of the road and awaiting for the man. A few minutes later, a man on a horse appears, his horse trotting slowly towards the murloc. "Have you got my money, murloc?" The human asks impatiently. "I don't want to be out here for longer than I have to." "Of course I do, I just wanted to ask you, what's your opinion on hobgoblins?" The murloc asks glancing at where Iosef was. "Because they would stab you in the back the moment you turn your back on them." "What are you..." [quote=@Simple Unicycle] "I've got the brass. How many of ya ar' there?" Connor asks, eyeing the orc and the woman intently. [/quote] "Besides me and the orc there's these two and another human warrior who should be arriving any moment now." She says. "We're the best of the best, sir, don't worry!"