[quote=@Eklispe] Now I'm saying I won't do it but I fail to see your point. Feel free to tear me apart OOC or PM I'm fine with either. As far as I see it my character is only a guardian. He can't do everything. He has taunts and survivability which seems to be the guardian tree as far as I can tell as well as a weak damage buff from his subclass. Dunno why you included healer in the list, I guess his once a day counts but that's kinda weak as is and his hp regen ain't much. As for mage he has 1 damage ability that is somewhat helpful against bosses. As stated earlier by [u]everyone[/u] I do have too much. I assumed race powers would be more of a factor and they weren't. I already intend to attempt to revamp him while attempting to keep true to the idea I have for him as much as possible. Do you want to review what I have now [s]like everyone else has[/s] or wait till I finish? [/quote] Hahahaha I'm almost done reviewing your CS in PM. And I'm not gonna tear you apart. lol But I am gonna be honest about what is acceptable. Of course, I'll be linking it to the other GMs so if they think I've made a mistake with my review, they can correct me. But stay tuned. Your review is almost finished. ^_~