[hider=Ivy] [center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/fwsqFPq.png[/img] [b]IGN:[/b] Ivy [b]Name:[/b] “I’m actually one of those people that value privacy on the internet.” [b]Age:[/b] “Sounding like a broken record isn’t my thing, so I’ll say I’m at least of drinking age in the UK.” [b]Gender:[/b] ”What was that internet acronym again? G.I.R.L.?” [b]Personality:[/b] “So here’s the thing, I’m not one of those assholes that crafts their own personality for things online. Surprising, right? Well, I’ve got nothing much to hide, unless you count the time I didn’t read the EULA and terms of service for this game. Yeah, does anybody read that? Well funnily enough, I don’t really play this game for an escape or anything like that. I started playing for the social factor, but I guess I’ll talk more about that later. Anyway, this is more of a hobby thing for me, and the different environment makes it fun for me to dick around and do sandbox-y things. Call me a casual, but I really dig the whole housing and property mechanics of this game. Decorating and trading decorations is the true endgame. That doesn’t mean I don’t like PvE or PvP content though. But Christ, some of the other players are really toxic or uptight about things. It makes me glad I found a pretty decent guild and stuck with it.” --- [b]History:[/b] “You probably know what I’m going to say about my past. I will say though, I’m British, and I do plan on going to culinary school. That was pretty on track for me, at least up until now. But we’re not here to talk about my culinary accomplishments, since everything I make tastes like mush or stale cardboard now anyway. I’ve been playing since the beginning of secondary school, so basically when I was a little shit. As it happened, my older brother gave me the account he got from launch; that’s why I have such a fancy three-letter name. I don’t really remember much about when I was new; it was probably likely that my character died a lot. Probably to stupid things like mice and low-level, twenty second cast time AOEs. I ended up getting fairly on top of things though, and I’d be at level cap pretty quickly after the release of a new expansion pack. For the most part, I’ve been in-and-out of various guilds, mostly raiding getups, for various reasons. Sometimes they didn’t click. Occasionally, core members would go inactive and the place would fall apart, or on one occasion, there was a spectacular drama that imploded the guild in one day. But all’s good, I made friends, and all my enemies are banned. As things were, most of the friends I made ended up creating a guild called BDC, started by an androgynous looking kid named Reisstan. I’ve been rolling with them since, and it’s done pretty well for me.” --- [b][u]In-game Information[/u][/b] [b]Gender:[/b] “I look really cute, and my voice is kawaii shit.” [b]Race:[/b] ”I would have played the cat race, but it’s waaay too furry for me. I still look pretty nice with a fox tail though, right?” [b]Class:[/b] ”I’ve actually played a shield-based healing class in another game before, so I gave exorcist a shot. Haven’t rerolled since.” [b]Class Level:[/b] “90. Can’t do endgame content without it.” [b]Subclass:[/b] “Chef. Mimicking my real-life self a bit here, I guess.” [b]Subclass Level:[/b] “90, of course.” [b]Guild[/b] "I've already gone over it briefly. Since it's infamous enough by this point, I don't feel the need to really elaborate more. Is that alright?" [b]Build:[/b] Fast Weapon Attack Specialization. Like a certain other shield-specializing healing class in a similar MMO, Ivy's specialization focuses on exceptionally high DPS output from the healer. More specifically, she uses a sword as a mainhand, and in a very un-magelike manner, goes stabby on somebody’s face in before they can deal a significant amount of damage to her HP pool. As such, the bulk of her regular healing is done in significant amounts of buffing beforehand, or in between lulls in battle. [b]Spells/Skills:[/b] [b]Cleanse[/b] – Basic healing spell. [b]Sanitize[/b] – Removes a single debuff on a target. [b]Divine Nullification[/b] – A long cast spell that creates an invisible barrier for each party member. It takes half a minute to get done, but provides mitigation for 15% of a person’s health and lasts an hour. [b]Reflective Mitigation[/b] – Creates a powerful barrier around the target that counters a single attack and debuffs the attacker of the target's defense for 7%. [b]Destructive Mitigation[/b] – Takes all shields on the caster and fires the conserved energy at a target for the full mitigative potency. [b]Soul's Reserve [/b] - Takes all Shields on target and turns them into a heal for the shielded value. [b]Emergency Recovery[/b] – Shields target for 100% of health, and heals for 50%. Instant cast, but has a one day cooldown. [b]Emergency Cast[/b] – The next skill or spell only takes one second to perform. Takes an hour to cooldown. [b]Purification Barrier[/b] – Simple and dirty 10% damage reduction on a target. [b]Protective Barrier[/b] – Damage mitigation up to 10% on a target. [b]Degeneration[/b] – Reduces an enemy target’s attack and defense by 10% over the course of a minute. [b]Decisive Exorcism[/b] – A slow to cast AOE group heal. [b]Line Break[/b] – The one skill that doesn’t belong to the exorcist skillset. Conveniently enough, it meshes with her sword specialization; it’s a fast jump with a piercing fall. It has a 25% chance of breaking a guard and dealing double damage. [b]Equipment:[/b] [b][/b] [i]“A sleeved cloth coat made for the last of the Alv royalty, this tabard has withstood the test of time through the ages.”[/i] Artifact-class Robes A piece of level 85 healing gear. It provides a substantial boost to spellspeed, in addition to providing a base 5% damage mitigation to the party with the wearer of this armor. [b]Weapons:[/b] [b][/b] [i]“An exceptionally light rapier wielded by the Duelist Archel. It is said to have been the fastest blade in all of Eureddo.”[/i] Phantasmal-class Rapier A level 85 sword that grants a large addition to agility and evasion. It’s very light and seems to have the weight of an aluminum rod. On hit, it has a 33% chance of slowing an enemy's agility or evasion. [b][/b] [i]“Created using metals meant for broadswords and heavy weapons, this kitchen tool is unnecessarily strong.” [/i] Production-class Level 70 one-handed weapon that serves nothing more as a gag joke. It does deal damage though. [b]Inventory:[/b] [b][/b] [i]“Keys to an adventurer’s house.”[/i] Allows access to your hard-earned abode. [b][/b] "Necessities for the every-day chef on the road." Basic cooking equipment that allows for cooking amenities on the go. [u][b]Stats[/b][/u] [b]Strength (STR):[/b] C [b]Agility (AGI):[/b] A [b]Intelligence (INT):[/b] D [b]Wisdom (WIS):[/b] B [b]Luck (LCK):[/b] F [b]Defense (DEF):[/b] E [b]Evasion (EVA):[/b] C [/center] [/hider] I went with a fox tail after all. Go figure.