My critiques are in red to easy understanding. [quote=@Psyker Landshark] [center] [img][/img] [url=][i]"It stands for Big Dick Club. Cyka blyat."[/i][/url] [color=ed1c24]lol[/color] [b]IGN:[/b] Intolerance [b]Name:[/b] Ilya Sokolov [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Personality:[/b] [color=ed1c24]Bullet points are nice, but I'd like at least a paragraph describing him instead of 4 simple adjectives. More of a personal preference though. At least I get the gist of the character, so its your call here. [/color] - Aggressive - Outgoing - Hotheaded - Loyal --- [b]History:[/b] A Russian student studying in England. Ilya has been playing Elder Tale for about ten years now, starting at the age of twelve. Back in Russia, he played on the Russian server, but he created Intolerance four years ago on the Western Europe when he moved to England for university, mainly because he wasn't satisfied with his old character at the time and wanted to start anew. Just for shits and giggles, he chose to make a female dwarf as his avatar, but didn't use a voice modulator. Thus, whenever this cute little loli opened her mouth, a deep, unmistakably male Russian accent came out. [color=ed1c24]Hilarious! Love it![/color] A few months down the line, he met Reissten, and a beautiful friendship began to form as the BDC was created. A friendship consisting mostly of ganking famous streamers and Assassins, which Reissten didn't like for whatever reason. Six months ago, thirteen members of the BDC donned normal level 10 equipment and managed to eke out a victory against a notable Elder Tale streamer that was decked out in multiple pieces of Phantasmal equipment. The entire battle was recorded and put on Youtube, but of particular note were the last few moments of the battle, where Intolerance managed to [url=]perfect parry an entire Assassin combo before retaliating with an Ace Move to take the win.[/url] Eventually, a few members of the guild wanted to delve into PvE for a bit, and Intolerance was dragged along for the ride. Fortunately for him, it was during a limited-time event raid that he looted a Phantasmal-class armor. With his armor situation secure for the moment, Intolerance used his free time to powergrind his Swordsmith subclass, obsessed with creating the perfect weapon to match his armor. It was too bad for him that he'd started grinding his subclass too late, as he'd only managed to reach level 85 in it when the expansion dropped. After the Cataclysm, Intolerance noted that whenever his avatar spoke, a cutesy girl voice came out instead of his masculine Russian accent. Naturally, he has been notably distressed about this. [color=ed1c24]Actually, in the anime, the avatars retained their Real Life players voice. There was no artificial in game voice for the avatar. So I think you'd still have ur manly russian voice, which would be infinitely more enjoyable and funny to see in the RP. [/color] --- [b][u]In-game Information[/u][/b] [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Race:[/b] Dwarf [color=ed1c24]Glad to finally have a dwarf in the roster[/color] [b]Class:[/b] Paladin [b]Class Level:[/b] 90 [b]Subclass:[/b] Swordsmith [b]Subclass Level:[/b] 85 [b]Guild[/b] [u][/u] A guild started by Intolerance's friend Reissten. At first, Intolerance only joined both to support his friend and to get the benefits of being in a guild, but he soon developed the idea of going after certain streamers that annoyed him. To his delight, the rest of the BDC latched onto the idea, and they soon developed into a PK guild that raided on the side for loot. [b]Build:[/b] [u]Royal Guard[/u] A highly offensive, PvP focused Paladin build that relies almost solely on Ace Moves. Its only defensive ability is the Perfect Parry skill, trusting in raw stats to tank through hits it can't parry. Playing this build is akin to playing a fighting game, relying on reads and quick reactions to stay alive while delivering a heavy combo-based offense. In PvE, this build is serviceable as a main tank fighting a single boss monster, generating aggro through sheer damage. However, in both PvE and PvP, the Royal Guard build has a hard time against opponents that use status effects, as those are unparryable. [color=ed1c24]I like that you acknowledged one of your weaknesses.[/color] [b]Spells/Skills:[/b] [u]Perfect Parry[/u] - A defensive Ace Move. If activated at the instant an attack hits Intolerance, she takes no damage from the blow. Along with physical skills, direct damage magical attacks can also be parried. However, if the parry isn't activated at the exact moment of an attack's impact, Intolerance is left vulnerable by the skill's massive end lag, which offsets its lack of a cooldown. [color=ed1c24]Okay, so it requires perfect timing. One slip up and your fucked. Right?[/color] [u]Eye for an Eye[/u] - An Ace Move that can only be activated by chaining into it from a successful Perfect Parry. Riposte after a parry with a single, mighty stroke that does massive damage. Intolerance is locked into the attack animation upon performing it, and the animation takes a comparatively long time to wind down. Has a long cooldown to the point where it can generally only be used twice in an average encounter. [color=ed1c24]Solid[/color] [u]Tempest Sweep[/u] - Cone-shaped AoE Ace Move. Sweep your weapon in front of you, knocking back and stunning any enemy hit for a brief moment. Can be used twice at best during a typical fight. [color=ed1c24]Solid[/color] [u]Earth Breaker[/u] - Ranged Ace Move. Slam your weapon into the ground with massive force, creating a shockwave that rushes towards your opponent. Deals additional Earth elemental damage. Intolerance is unable to move until the shockwave reaches its endpoint. [color=ed1c24]Again Very Solid, with an earthy gimmick. Nice.[/color] [u]Final Storm[/u] - Single-target, execution Ace Move. Deal a series of combo slashes with your weapon, ending with a titantic downward smash for massive damage. Immense cooldown, will only be used once per fight. [color=ed1c24]Like a trump card. Solid.[/color] [u]Provoke[/u] - Temorarily forces an opponent to target you. Only taken by Intolerance because his guildmates forced him to. [color=ed1c24]Solid Warrior taunt skill.[/color] [b]Equipment:[/b] [i]"Armor crafted for an ancient lord that once united half the continent under his grasp."[/i] Phantasmal-Class Armor A level 80 Paladin-exclusive armor that gives a large bonus to DEF. Also grants super armor during the animations of offensive Ace Moves, allowing the wearer to not be able to be knocked out of the animation by damage. In addition, the wearer receives an additional bonus to DEF for the duration of their Ace Move. Perfectly suits Intolerance's balls-to-the-wall, full offense playstyle. [i]"A crimson cape created by a mad wizard studying the secrets of vampirism. Rumor abounds that simply wearing the cape allows one to drain life essence with but a touch."[/i] Artifact-Class Cape A level 65 cape item that grants a moderate amount of lifesteal, allowing Intolerance to regain health for a percentage of all physical damage dealt. Also reduces magic damage taken. [color=ed1c24]Lifesteal and magic damage reduction? Okay...Sounds good. Lifesteal shouldn't be that much though since you should be relying on the heals of a healer and not your own hits. Nothing wrong with a little bit of self-healing, but it can't be game changing. Something like regains 10% of all physical damage dealt seems fair, meaning you'd have to work really hard to give yourself a lot of health back if it should go down. [/color] [b]Weapons:[/b] [i]"A massive curved greatsword designed to smash through stubborn shieldbearers."[/i] Production-Class A level 85 two-handed sword made with Artifact-class materials. Gives a bonus to STR and AGI, and ignores a percentage of an enemy's armor. Forged by Intolerance to face off against other tanks. [color=ed1c24]Nice.[/color] [i]"The glare of the midday sun burns and dazzles all those who behold it."[/i] Production-Class A level 70 two-handed halberd made with high-tier Magic-class materials. Inflicts fire damage and leaves a debuff on hit that slightly reduces an opponent's INT stat. [b]Inventory:[/b] x [75] [i]"Because beer is a soft drink."[/i] Consumable Gives the "Drunken Rage" buff, increasing STR, LUCK, DEF and AGI at the cost of INT, WIS and EVA. Stat bonuses and penalties are twice that of beer items. [color=ed1c24]Why would it increase Luck? Luck is for finding loot, it doesn't really have any combat benefits. Seems kinda uncessary, but whatever lol Also, how long does this buff last? [/color] [u][b]Stats[/b][/u] [b]Strength (STR):[/b] S [b]Agility (AGI):[/b] A [color=ed1c24]Look at Evasion stat[/color] [b]Intelligence (INT):[/b] E [color=ed1c24]dummy lol[/color] [b]Wisdom (WIS):[/b] F [b]Luck (LCK):[/b] C [b]Defense (DEF):[/b] S [b]Evasion (EVA):[/b] E [color=ed1c24]I'm a little confused about this stat. You have several parrying moves which is about evasion, but your evasion stat is E. Really? Why? That doesn't make much sense. Also, Agility is about how fast you attack, and most warriors are heavy hitters, but not fast attackers. I think your Agility needs to be a C and your Evasion a B, maybe A(eventhough thats entering weapon-based class territory.)[/color] [/center] [/quote] Overall, a VERY solid character sheet. Just needs a few tweaks, most of them subjective and your call. Let me know when you've made the changes though.