[hider=Alec] [center][h1]Alec[/h1] [i]"This is an interesting development, no?[/i] [hr] [IMG]http://i66.tinypic.com/riff9g.jpg[/IMG] [hr] [hider=Character Theme] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5GGli5vS6h4[/youtube] [/hider] [hr] [b]Name:[/b] Alec Codsworth [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Personality:[/b] In game, Alec fashions himself as an adventurous intellectual of sorts. While he does enjoy dungeon diving and raid parties, he finds a great deal of pleasure working away on potions and reading up on various guides for the game even if they aren't directly useful to him. This has lead him to become a teacher of sorts, although he does sometimes come off as arrogant. He is still quite amicable however, as long as you get past the snark and don't crash in on him while he's busy working. [hr] [b]History:[/b] Born on Hollow's Eve, Alec was born in Cambridge, England to a military family. His mother a nurse and his father part of the Royal Rifles, his family often moved between the different military bases of NATO counties, leaving the young Alec without a constant source of friends. He did well in school and found favorite to the sciences like biology and chemistry, but was always lonely. However, when he was in middle school, he discovered a digital world which friends would never say "good bye", [i]Elder Tale[/i]. He spent a great deal of time in the game, his parents accepting it as it allowed him to contact the old friends who played the game. He had always preferred PvE over PvP or raids, leading him to be a level 30 herbalist when he was only a level 10. Such had caught the attention of a small time production guild called . Alec would stay with the guild, enjoying the friendships and abundance of materials it provided until he was level 70 and had long since maxed out his subclass. Around that time, the guild had began to fade away, noticing the inevitable death of , Alec left to forge his own path, leaving in his wake stories of perhaps one of the best Herbalists in Western Europe. Perhaps the most famous account of him in combat was him equipping his potions like throwing weapons and hitting allies with them to heal on the front lines during the raid. He was brought on as a dodge tank and a backline healer. It was going well until the final raid boss where several healers were down and people where taking injuries faster than could be healed. Despite the Paladin class not even being able to use throwing weapons, Alec dashed out with a hand full of potions and begain to throw the potions. Despite the unorthodoxy of this practice, proved effective none the less and let the team stay up long enough for back up healers to arrive. Now in college and almost at the max level, Alec had been tracking all the hype of the next expansion but more importantly the newest crafting mechanics to crafting. On the eve of the release, he had been grinding away for new armor but to no avail. Deciding that he had to sleep, he went to bed and closed his eyes. When he woke and opened his eyes, he found he wasn't in the real world, instead he was introduced to a pixel dream of the world he once knew. [hr] [b][u]In-game Information[/u][/b] [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Class:[/b] Paladin [b]Class Level:[/b] 84 [b]Subclass:[/b] Herbalist [b]Subclass Level:[/b] 90 [b]Guild[/b] N/A [b]Build:[/b] Light armor, high agility, 1 handed build meant to be a dodge tank with less of a focus on Ace Moves and more of a focus on hate control. While not necessarily part of the build, Alec will literally [i]throw[/i] potions at people instead of having them drink it in mid-combat stating that "it should work just as well". [hr] [b]Spells/Skills:[/b] Alec stabs the ground and sends out a shockwave of light. Anything caught in it takes additional fire damage and dark, unholy and undead monsters take huge damage and have a chance of being instantly killed. Despite its long CD, its a useful crowd control attack. Alec's AGI and EVA are given incredible boosts as is his stamina but he gains the permeant debuff which means he cannot be healed nor can he regen anything. Summons forth a set of loud bells above Alec which generates huge amounts of hate. The sounds aggravates monsters so much that they are given buffs when attacking Alec but they are stunned if they are hit by Alec. A movement skill which allows Alec to jump higher and further and grants him a pair of wings which to glide with. Useful as one might expect. Only available if Alec has less than 50% HP, activation of this skills turns him into a literal monster. His speed and attack go insane but his health rapidly drains and he takes 5 times as much damage from attacks. Passive skill which allows Alec to see enemy weak points and stats, grants him the ability to mark targets and makes them take extra damage from attacks but also not only draws hate from the target, but nearby enemies. Alec's only real "Ace Move". Upon activation, Alec preforms a devastating and fast combo in a straight line, badly hurting if not outright killing things in its way. Although he cannot be killed mid-skill, he can take damage and is stunned at the end in a cool pose. A passive move granted by his sword, Alec is less affected by mind based attacks and generates more hate per hit/skill. [hr] [b]Equipment:[/b] [i]"A weathered but roomy bag that has seen cold mountain peaks to lusih forest greens and everywhere in between."[/i] [b]Magical Class[/b] A reward for the quest , the bag has seen many a places and adventures. Despite its age, it is a sturdy and strong magical bag which has some extra room but also gives small bonuses against elemental damage and slow effects. Most the time it contains herbalist ingredients kept in small, organized satchels. [i]"Pristine white gloves worn by high officials and nobles."[/i] [b]Production Class[/b] Long gloves that Scantus bought for his work as they give small bonuses to crafted items. No longer a pristine white, the gloves are forever stained with herbal scents and have traces of dirt and age on them. [i]A rare silver and sapphire neckless worn by the great polymath Lordavicci. Who ever wears it will receive supernatural guidance from the voice of the "Gentleman of Scholars" to advance their own understandings.[/i] [b]Artifact Class[/b] A delicately crafted and engraved piece of jewelry which Alec had won in a lucky bet. It increases his WIS and less INT but allows the wearer to rapidly gain xp for their subclass. Seems to have an effect on Lander NPCs, especially those who deal in jewelry or high quality items. [hr] [b]Weapons:[/b] [i]"A beautifully crafted sword that is surprisingly light for its size. Said to be the sword of the great singing swordsman Talvr whose very blood is imbued in the metal of the sword."[/i] [b]Artifact Class[/b] Made of silversteel and gold that glows like the basking sunlight, the weapon shimmers brightly in all light levels. Despite its beautiful appearance, its actually supposed to be a sword mean for Bards, giving boasts to song duration. Being a Paladin, Alec only finds the boost in strength to be helpful as well as the bonus damage against unholy and dark enemies. The passive skill, is helpful though. [hr] [b]Inventory:[/b] x 1 [i]"Death is not the end, but a chapter of a story. Shall we continue this tale then?"[/i] [b]Phantasmal Class/Multiple Uses[/b] A special version of a , this unique variation greatly increase the potency of created potions. Of course, it takes longer to create them as one must also do the ritual needed for the supped up potions. This kit is the only way to obtain the . x 1 [i]"Of course its black magic, how else do you think you came back from the dead?"[/i] [b]Consumable[/b] The rare potion made using . It is a very complex potion needing very precise measurements and a long ritual involving a full moon. The vial is said to be so strong that it can even revive dead players right up to full HP and Mana. Given the circumstances and mastery needed, even Alec can only make a small batch at a time, of which most fail anyways. [i]"Think of it as a textbook you write for yourself."[/i] [b]Multiple Uses[/b] A blank notebook used to take notes in, Alec has filled his with doodles and notes effectively turning it into a field guide. [i]Affectionately knowns as the "Frozen Spindly Bastards", these creatures travel to where no one can go or dares to.[/i] [b]Multiple Uses[/b] A whistle for Alec's mouth, a . Despite its dangerous and otherwise un-cuddly look, Alec finds it incredibly useful as it may not be as fast as other mounts nor carry as much, but it can climb otherwise impossible obstacles and has a passive effect which causes enemies to be weaker and have NPC monsters just run away. After the Catastrophe, its unknown how much of it is due to its appearance and how much is due to the effect. [hr] [u][b]Stats[/b][/u] [b]Strength (STR):[/b] D [b]Agility (AGI):[/b] A [b]Intelligence (INT):[/b] C [b]Wisdom (WIS):[/b] D [b]Defense (DEF):[/b] E [b]Evasion (EVA):[/b] A [hr][/center] [/hider]