[quote]milady!" The rookie says doing a curt bow and riding ahead of her. "Milady, I don't wish to doubt your judgement, but are you sure that it is wise to let the rookie go first?" The high elf asks. As they progress, they can see a small village being raised by large group of goblins and murlocs, the leaders of this band being a hobgoblin armored head to toe in steel armor and armed with a longsword, and a larger murloc armored with leather armor and two shortswords. They don't seem to have noticed the group yet.[/quote] [@Claw2k11] "Of course." Maryvale replies, looking at her comrade with a face that cannot be read due to her helm. "It's a simple strategy: he draws the attention of those who oppose us, and we immediately follow-up with an attack whilst he moves back. Classic layered rush strategy - makes good for a defensive strat, too." She explains as she looks over at the village. "We should probably help that village... Though the Grand Marshal's orders are top priority..."