[@Hipster][@Theorist][@Rogue Colm] Elden stretched as the group proceeded into the wilds. He was never really fond of riding on horseback. It was uncomfortable, and the horse was hard to control at times. It was not his forte, so he was glad to be walking again. Of course, he'd feel even better ad they gotten proper rest, but time was of the essence and rest was not a luxury that they needed at the time. It shouldn't take long now. They had to be close to their destination. That meant that they were close to starting their first mission as a group. That concept still confused Elden a bit. A group of three people had been called upon to perform action and do missions that others could not? It confused him a bit, but Elden had always decided to just not care about it. If he started to delve into deeper thought about every trivial matter, he'd go insane. Elden heard Calder ask Loghain a question, and chuckled softly before saying, "I'm curious as well. I wanted to know what you and Maric were doing in this place for three days."