[quote=@Claw2k11] "Well, they seem busy with the village guards anyway and it seems someone is already trying to help them already." the high elf says pointing towards the dwarf that was "sneaking" behind the two leaders of this raid. "But the Grand Marshal also told us to eliminate any threat we might find in our way, so we have a reason to help them and a reason to let them die here, what say you, milady?" he asks Maryvale. The others just agreed with Maryvale, the Grand Marshal's orders were paramount(to them at least) and any delay was unacceptable to their cause. "What is wrong with you all?" the recruit asks. "We need to help them, there are innocent people and children there, we can't let them die!" he said drawing his longsword, looking expectantly at Maryvale. [/quote] Blood sighs and gets off of her own horse, tying it to a nearby tree, and drawing her own blade. "We'll make this quick - we'll thin them out from a distance, whilst those who can't strike at range make hit'nd run tactics. The Grand Marshal's orders may be important, but through his act of kindness, I'm able to stand here today; let's hope to inspire the same." The Dark Knight then focuses on the energy within her body, letting it flow outwards around her body, or rather, her armour. Channeling that dark energy into her blade, Maryvale aims at the highest cluster of enemies and sends a wave of pulsing dark energy straight at them; her own strength was being sapped away for the powerful dark magic. "Once it looks like the guards can handle this, we continue."