Regarding that, I'd say just choose personally whether or not your character maintains their real-world voice or not. Doesn't really have to be the same for everyone, I guess. On a separate note, the new Stat Systemâ„¢ has been created as per [@Ashfili]'s suggestion. Still, I'd like to post it here first before updating the main post, in order to gauge whether or not people are into it or not. If people are fine with it, then I'll update and whatnot, and you guys can update your stats accordingly. Same thing for the people still in the process of getting accepted / applying. [hider=Stat Systemâ„¢][h2][b]Stats[/b][/h2] [b]Stat System:[/b] In Elder Tale, each race has their own set of strengths and weaknesses put into a clever system known as "Stats". Stats are graded from F to S, and a single character is given 18 points to spend in any of the "Core Stats," which influences what your character is good at, or is lacking in. The amount of points put into a stat correlates to a certain grade for that stat. These are the grades: [list] [*][b]S (6 points)[/b] - The stats of grand warriors, near superhuman. You can suplex boulders, just because you can. You can run a bit faster than Usain Bolt while on the wall. Your magic can destroy houses with ease(ish). You can heal empty health bars. You can find the rarest of rare drops more frequently. You can dodge a bullet (?). [*][b]A (5 points)[/b] - The stats of strong people. You can bench a boulder. You can run as a low-tier Olympiad. Your magic can destroy a wall. You can heal a significant amount. You have great luck! You can dodge a throwing knife. [*][b]B (4 points)[/b] - The stats of an specialized person. You can move a couch to a new home by yourself. You can run as fast as a college varsity track member. Your magic can destroy large enemies (RUNDELHOUS CODE). You can pull your weight in healing. You have good luck. You can dodge a wrench. [*][b]C (3 points)[/b] - The stats of a normal person. You can help move a fridge. You can run as fast as a high-school track team member. Your magic can destroy medium enemies. You can heal enough so that your tank won't get mad at you. Your have average luck. You can dodge a Frisbee. [*][b]D (2 points)[/b] - The stats of a weakling. You carry anything under 15 pounds. You can run slowly. Your magic can damage weak enemies. Your healing is okay, but nobody should rely on it. You have bad luck. You can dodge a pillow. [*][b]E (1 points)[/b] - The stats of a NEET. You get tired after lifting 5 pound weights for 3 reps. You can run for 10 seconds before your ankles hurt. Your magic tickles enemies. Your healing is negligible. Your luck is terrible. You can dodge a scarf. [*][b]F (0 points)[/b] - What stats? You can't lift anything except for your own clothes. You can't run at all. Your magic does nothing. Your healing damages, for some reason. You were born on Friday the 13th and on that day, you were jettisoned from the womb so quickly, you went under a ladder and broke a mirror while flying over a black cat. You can't dodge anything.[/list] Of course, these stats don't actually mean anything in terms of combat. They're just to give a general idea of where people are at in terms of ability. Strength is how hard you smash a tomato. Agility is how quickly you slice or create a tomato. Intelligence is how well you cast tomato-based magic. Wisdom is healing the smashed and sliced magic. Defense is how much pain when a tomato hits you. Evasion is how often the tomatoes miss. If you want a more specific list of the Core Stats and their effects, look to the hider. [hider=Full Stat List][h3][b]Core Stats[/b][/h3] Core Stats are the stats where you would distribute your 18 points. Core Stats influence your Side Stats. [list][*][b]Strength (STR):[/b] A stat used by mainly Warrior classes and Weapon-based classes. Strength influences Physical Attack (P-ATK). [*][b]Agility (AGI):[/b] The core stat of Agility influences Attack Speed (ATK SPD) and Cast Speed (CAST SPD). It also influences Movement Speed (MOV SPD) slightly. [*][b]Intelligence (INT):[/b] Influences Magic Attack (M-ATK). [*][b]Wisdom (WIS):[/b] Wisdom is mainly used by the Healer classes, but can also be used by other classes if they have self-heals or something along those lines. Wisdom influences Healing (HEAL). [*][b]Defence (DEF):[/b] Influences... Defence. Reduces the amount of damage you take versus an opponent. Defence also increases Block chance (take no damage when hit) if you have a shield equipped, and Parry chance (take 50% damage when hit) if you have a weapon, but no shield. [*][b]Evasion (EVA):[/b] Influences your chance to escape an attack that would otherwise hit you.[/list] [h3][b]Side-stats[/b][/h3] Side-stats are just that; stats that are on the side. By distributing your points across your Core Stats, you determine how strong or weak their side-stats are. [list][*][b]Physical Attack (P-ATK):[/b] How much damage you cause when using a physical weapon (such as swords, daggers or axes). Whether it's an regular attack or such, versus a skill which does physical damage doesn't really matter. [*][b]Magic Attack (M-ATK):[/b] How much damage you cause when using a magical attack (spells from Magic classes are a prime example). [*][b]Attack Speed (ATK SPD):[/b] How fast you can attack based on the speed of the weapon equipped. [*][b]Cast Speed (CAST SPD):[/b] How quickly you cast spells / skills. [*][b]Healing:[/b] How well you heal others and yourself.[/list][/hider] These stats will be used for things such as boss damage, dealing damage, taking damage, etc. Of course, numbers will be more based on strategy. Take note that these stats follow your level, so a level 1 could totally have S ATK and S DEF, but that would still be the weaker than a level 90's F ATK and F DEF.[/hider]