Like the warmth that surrounded the area, the sleep that cascaded the young faerie like creature was washed away in a burst of cold air. Something disturbing for the usually warmth provided in her cave by the fiery beast who lives below her outcropping. Being a creature of plant reliance cold weather held a grudge in her system. But just as the cold air came it left, leaving the female awake, though weary of travel, at night. The faint reflected moonlight allowed glances at her appearance. The sharp cured tips too her wings glinting in the small cave allowing for a more colorful description. Below the points her wings, colored like a open flame, served as a warning. [i]Beware. I am Poisonous[/i] It cried. The poison a neurotoxin, flexing and relaxing muscles in random sequences. A risk not many will take for a snack. Her visible skin was pale in turn with some of her hair. Knee's, elbows and wrists faded between light outlines of scales to full on grey scaling. Covering her frame was a cotton-cloth, jumper like piece. Held at proper place by a skinned leather belt. At last her locks, as she still being awake, would have found themselves being moved about. Jet black is the color of most them, brilliant red to orange flavored some stands. These went down about a little while away from her shoulders. Currently being pushed aside out of her vision. A ray of light had first struck her face causing the energy filled creature be startled awake. Passively looking out from the entrance to the cave where she had slept. Though uncommon, her species usually shared land and territory with large dragons. From misleading enemies to just keeping them company, it was a symbiotic relationship. Nothing less nothing more. Yet as the Fae woke, no bellowing came from below. In fact, being carefully sneaky she had found no dragon to be asleep below. None had returned in the morning either. Yet though maybe she had lost track of time, breeding season came before she realized it. Many options where there to why she had no dragon below. Deciding to look for a new spot to spend her day, her usual meadow filled with the ungrateful offspring of watchful parents, she set off. Not fearing that which would do her harm, as why would they waste the effort. Meat on her bones would be slim, and the good meat which would be eaten would have been laced toxins. The things that would enjoying using her as a meal, fast asleep in their own caves, only out at night. Stretching out her legs only flying when needed to get from one island to the next. If the dragon didn’t return she could be in danger. But to get her mind off that she went to a dryer part of an island. Maybe it would be peaceful.[@MrStitches]