John looked around the building. It was quite a decent setup for what they were able to do in these now dark times. It was when they were brought into the room that would be their quarters that he had heard a sound, a faint sound. A rumbling that was very close to the sound of motorcycles. He moved over to the window and saw vehicles moving up the street. He brought his rifle up and began to mumble. [color=007236]"Seven unknown; two bikes, car in between and then some followers. Six in all."[/color] He looked over at Doug as he assumed he heard them as well. Doug looked over at the soldier, John, and nodded to him. "Captain, mind coming with us to greet the new arrivals?" He asked. "I wouldn't mind a Navy Seal watching my back." John gave a quick smirk before he flipped the selection on his gun to burst and nodded. [color=007236]"Sounds fine."[/color]