[hr] [h1]|| [i]Overview of Camp ThinkerRock [/i]||[/h1] [indent] [b]Academy Designation:[/b] 01 [b]Location:[/b] Northern Oregon [b]Date:[/b] July 20th, 2015[/indent] [hr] [center][img]http://pre02.deviantart.net/7873/th/pre/f/2011/121/7/e/square_by_arsenixc-d3fbc6z.jpg[/img][/center] [indent]Built shortly after World War II, Camp ThinkerRock is a Superhuman training facility that has been used for decades by the US Government. First as secret training grounds for training NEST Agents, as more 'official' locations were made, Camp ThinkerRock has seen less and less activity. To the point where it was completely desolate save for the people "guarding" it. There were talks about decommissioning the facility all together. Pushing towards the 1980's, however, during the rise of the Academy Program for the Camp was found: training younger Superhumans to effectively use their powers. The location was purchased by the Academy Program (Because NEST didn't want it) and became Academy 01. The first Academy. The entire camp was re-purposed into a "summer-camp for Superhumans" where younger students would have the chance to train. The guise was simple, a super private summer camp in the middle of no where, the nearest town being miles away from the camp. So everyone has the anonymity to use their powers on a larger scale without it being reported. However, the camp didn't exactly get a large amount of campers due to lack of interest, and the fact that there were larger and better Academies didn't help matters. It didn't get more than a few people at a time, which is rather underwhelming to the staff. A few higher ups were able to strike a few deals with NEST to force some more kids into Camp ThinkerRock. Such as picking up juvenile delinquents, or giving runaways a home. This wasn't super desirable, but the staff plans on "working out the kinks" for these campers and turn them into responsible Metahumans. If they make a profit out of this, why does it even matter what they've done beforehand? They might actually learn a thing or two while in the camp such as putting their powers to practical uses and learning not to rely on them so much. ThinkerRock's main campsite is a large area that features plenty of locations that are spaced out from each other. Connected via paths, the camp has buildings and places to fulfill all of the campers needs. The place is split into four sections. [B]The Main Grounds[/B] for basic camper needs. The Recreation Area, to keep them entertained. The Training Grounds, for them to train with their powers and take their hero courses. And the Beach, where a few locations are. But the campsite isn't the entirety of ThinkerRock's facility. Naturally, the camp is located in the middle of a heavily wooded area. Forests are far as the eye can see. All of the facility ground's combined (The campground, the forest, and the buildings off campground), equates to 3500 acres (Roughly four square miles). Meaning that it's a massive location, and hard to easily leave. The perimeter of the entire facility grounds are surrounded by a large thirty-five foot brick concrete wall. These walls are to keep people out of the facility, along with keeping extra animals away. Surrounding the main campgrounds is a massive forest, that have animals of all types. These forests have paths through them, going to every notable location, but ending at the walls that keep the campers in. This forest has everything you'd see in an actual forest. Rivers, ponds, large rocks, and more. And evil monsters. Never forget the evil monsters. The camp is next to a large body of water known as the [B]The Jay-Thompson Lake[/B]. This lake is enormous, almost making up a good 20% of those 3500 acres. Around this lake are the facility's many features. There is even military base, all on the shores of the Lake. These are all left behind from the Cold War days. However, there is a mysterious island in the center of the lake, one that holds a strange castle. When asked about this castle, the Counselors tell everyone to go no where near that place. However, there is a small town; St. Portwell, several miles away from the Facility.[/indent] [hr] [h1]|| [i]Locations[/i]||[/h1] [hr] [hr][h3]Main Camp Grounds[/h3][hr] [hider][list][*][B]MAIN OFFICE.[/B] The very heart of the campgrounds. A large, two story building made out of red bricks with windows every few feet to let the sunlight in. The building is fairly round, and has a triangle-ish shape to it, except every corner is naturally round. Obviously this building is responsible for keeping the gears of the camp spinning. Here is the main desk, where the secretary works the computer. The rest of the building has plenty of other desks with files and more. [h1][/h1] [*][B]LODGE.[/B] Where the campers kick back after a long day's work. Located in the center of the camp, on a hill, the Lodge is a large two story building with a large porch area that have been walled off with grey stone - with wooden stairs leading up to it. The building is also made out of wood, with stone at the bottom to act as a support. Behind the building is a larger porch area that acts as an overlook, a majority of the camp could be seen from this one point. The roof of the building is topped off with a tent-shaped triangle, made out of layered tiles. Now inside the building? It's a place made for students to kick back, so doesn't make sense for it to be full of stuff that does that? There's a row of three large TVs on one side of the room (One of the only places that has a functional TV) with sofas posited around it for optimal viewing. There are gaming consoles positioned under these TVs in case someone wants to game. On the other parts of the room, there are chairs and tables ([I]comfortable[/I] chairs and tables) for people to sit down and talk if they want to - or eat their food here. Around the room there are things such as pool tables, dart boards, and more. Stuff to keep the students entertained, yeah. There's also a library on the second floor. Not like a traditional library, campers are free to read books as they please. Just that they can't take them out of the lodge. [h1][/h1] [*][B]BOYS & GIRLS DORMS.[/B] Several buildings, almost identical in appearance, only pathways apart from each other. They're split into two sections by a wide river. One half is for the boys, and the other is for the girls. Each location is denoted with a sign that says so. Unlike traditional summer camps, the cabins are large buildings rather than rows of small cabins. They're two floor buildings constructed out of concrete similar to regular dorms. They're elevated off the ground using thick (metal laden) support beams (with crawl spaces underneath them), and have stairs onto a small porch that leads into a door. Inside the building, there's several rooms that act as dorms. Again, the Dorms are separated by gender, then by age. So Campers aren't mushed up together. These buildings also contain a communal shower room (Don't worry, boys and girls, there's stalls and doors). [h1][/h1] [*][B]STAFF CABIN.[/B] The staff also need a place to sleep too (And no, they can't sleep in the office). It's a red brick building, built on a grey stone support. It has plenty of windows, and a porch too (With a nice little rocking chair on it). Instead of one large room, there's several small rooms meant to accommodate each staff member. Along with a shower of their own for maximum awkwardness! [h1][/h1] [*][B]MESS HALL.[/B] Everyone needs to eat, after all. Stationed not too far away from the Cabins, in the gap between the Cabins and the Lodge, is a large rectangle shaped building with a triangle-shaped roof. The mess hall is one large room that is full of cafeteria tables all rowed together. On the left side of the building is the counter where people get food, and behind that is the kitchen where the food is prepared. On the counter, there is a variety of food, and trays for all of them. [h1][/h1] [*][B]NURSE STATION.[/B] People get boo-boos from time to time. Especially at a summer camp like this. A small building that is towards the Training Area (But not off the Main Campgrounds). A triangle shaped building that is separated into three parts. A waiting room, with chairs, and a front desk. A examination room, with everything you'd see in a doctor's office. And finally an office where all the medical supplies are kept. The whole building is headed by Nurse Jade West, a potent healer. [h1][/h1] [*][B]GYM.[/B] The center for the student's independent exercise. The staff of the camp encourage physical activity in the students, and while there are plenty of physical outlets in the camp, this is the place for lifting, among other things. That said, this is a large one story building, with only one floor. There's plenty of windows in and out of the building so people can see it just fine. Inside are weights, treadmills, and many things you'd see in a gym. With one wall having a massive mirror. [h1][/h1] [*][B]DETENTION CENTER.[/B] An intimidating building... A former prison which has been re-purposed for the campers that misbehave. It's a large, two floor concrete block of a building with no windows, and, other than the door, is featureless. Inside is where things get interesting. The interior is constructed out of concrete as well, but inside are many metal cells that are made to specifically counter people's powers depending on their class, but all are durable by default.[/list] [/hider] [hr][h3]Recreation Area[/h3][hr] [hider][list][*][B]RECREATION SHACK.[/B] Before any camper starts with their recreation, they have to check in at the Recreation Hall. Here is where people get the balls to play Basketball, the Bats to play Baseball, and so on. The building is more of a shack. It's a medium-sized building made out of red bricks with a counter. Behind the counter is a room that has plenty of Sports Equipment. All placed on racks and shelves. However, in order to get equipment, campers have to sign them in and out. If they aren't returned, then the staff will come to ask you where they went, and if they've lost it, the camper will serve out a punishment. [h1][/h1] [*][B]THE PLAYING FIELDS.[/B] Pretty simple to explain. Several large fields, separated by chainlink fences. Each a Soccer field, Baseball field, Football field, and so on. Pretty standard stuff here. There's bleachers on the sidelines of each field for whoever's watching. [h1][/h1] [*][B]THE COURTS.[/B] Much like the fields, these are a collection of courts. For basketball, tennis, and volleyball. Each have fences separating them. [h1][/h1] [*][B]THE PLAYGROUND.[/B] A quaint little playground that is practically attached to the Courts and Playing Fields. It has wooden structures designed for children. It has stuff like a jungle-gym, swingset, slide, playhouse, and so on. [h1][/h1] [*][B]THEATER.[/B] A large outdoor theater for plays, and for when the counselors decide to give a speech to the campers. This place is a large concrete stage, rounded, with a wall on the back of it and a wooden cover over it. On each side there are stairs up and down it. In front of it are large round concrete bleachers, that get higher the further back someone goes. [h1][/h1] [*][B]THE POOL.[/B] Every good Summer location needs a pool baby! A large square outdoor pool that goes fairly deep. It has a "ramp" inside the water that goes deeper and deeper as the pool goes on.[/list] [/hider] [hr][h3]Training Grounds[/h3][hr] [hider][list][*][B]OBSTACLE COURSE.[/B] What did you think camp was going to be all play? Maggot, this place is supposed to whip you into shape! The obstacle course is a large interchangeable field where campers are forced to run through it to test their agility. Everything factors on the exercise. It can have a wall to climb up, ropes to swing on, rods to crawl under. They often set up the course to accommodate for training exercises. [h1][/h1] [*][B]PROVING GROUNDS.[/B] Since the campers are a bunch of hormonal, angry, teens, naturally they want to beat the fuck out of each other. This is where the proving grounds come in. Instead of forbidding all fighting, they set up an area for friendly duels (and otherwise). The proving ground is a large round clearing, that is pure concrete, with sand on top of it. Surrounding the Proving Grounds are ten foot high walls. Often the proving grounds are used to test students. [h1][/h1] [*][B]SHOOTING RANGE.[/B] To train the more ranged campers, and those that aren't. It's a massive square field, with plenty of stalls. Down each stall, obviously, are interchangeable targets. Often all made out of cardboard, but other materials for the targets can be used. Such as wood, or perhaps even metal if they don't want to destroy the target. Anyone can use the Shooting Range, even though it's not encouraged for them. They could just throw a rock at the targets.[/list] [/hider] [hr][h3]Water Front[/h3][hr] [hider][list][*][B]THE BEACH & DOCKS.[/B] Ah, the beach. Another place for the campers to kick back in their spare time. It's a simple large, crescent moon shaped, beach. That has sand! Waves slam up against the location constantly. Surrounding the lake are massive boulders that overlook the location. It's on the beach of the Jay-Thompson lake, and often the first place people go if they want to explore the other locations of ThinkerRock. On the beach, there's wooden structure known as the docks. It's positioned on the middle of the beach, and takes up a small part of it. [h1][/h1] [*][B]BOAT HOUSE.[/B] Built on the docks, is a mere shack. A small wooden shack. Much like the Recreation Shack, there's a counter on it, and behind the counter are canoes on a rack. Campers may take the canoes out on the lake, but they have to bring them back before curfew is enacted.[/list] [/hider] [hr][h2]Off Grounds[/h2][hr] [hr][h3]Wilderness[/h3][hr] [hider][list][*][B]THE FOREST.[/B] As described above, a majority of the ThinkerRock facility is a massive forest. Trees far as the eye can see, that have likely been here for decades. Someone would be quick to note that most of these trees are evergreens, such as pine trees, and more. There are stone trails (With rustic wooden fences) throughout the woods that all lead to various parts of the Forest, but all end up back at the camp. Throughout the woods, there are animals of many types. The cute and cuddly like deers and bunnies, and the biological killing machines known as bears and pumas. Yes, it is completely safe to traverse the woods alone. [h1][/h1] [*][B]DEEMEANOR MANSION.[/B] A strange mansion that has been there since ThinkerRock was established. Just that they couldn't be arsed to tear it down. It's a massive, three floor building, that is rectangle shaped. Far wider than it is long. It's made out of wood clearly, and built on a stone foundation, with rows and rows of windows and a flat roof. The mansion is fully furnished with tables, beds, and other things you'd see in a house. However they are either dirty, or have been long broken by campers running through there ages ago. The building has clearly eroded. Vines and other things have ravaged the place, the floors have rotted, and everything is filthy. But it's, strangely enough, still stable enough to stand. But if it takes a major hit, a good chunk of it is going on. [h1][/h1] [*][B]GRAVEYARD.[/B] A spooky part of the wilderness. In the past, many people have died in Camp ThinkerRock. And that's the one thing they don't want to tell you. This location is where they buried those unlucky fools. It's a field, surrounded by a cast-iron fence, built on a slight curve. Here are several graves, denoted by concrete blocks known as Tombstones... some are marked, some, sadly, are not. [h1][/h1] [*][B]THE CAVES.[/B] An unnatural landmark. They were created by a Meta-human during the camp's more... questionable era. They are a network of stone caves that, strangely enough, run under the entirety of the camp. These caves aren't very complex, and fairly simple. Likely created as an escape route for others. But they're dark, and have many critters that one would like to avoid. There's three known entrances. One in the middle of a forest, another by the Military Base, and dangerously enough, a entrance on the sides of the Castle Walls.[/list] [/hider] [hr][h3]Fort Thatcher[/h3][hr] [hider][list][*][B]RUINS.[/B] A majority of the base has been long destroyed. Most likely by a rogue Meta-human. All that's left are the unstable and charred remains of several buildings. They're so damaged that some of them are unrecognizable. These buildings are barely stable, a strong enough blow would send it tumbling over. However, the entirety of the military base hasn't been destroyed, and there are places to explore. [h1][/h1] [*][B]BARRACKS.[/B] A bunch of small, rectangle shaped buildings that were the living quarters on this base. There are at least seven, and each of them are made out of a wood that has been painted a light-green color. Each building is elevated off the ground somewhat. Inside the buildings are much similar to the cabin rooms of the campers. Each room has a metal-framed bunkbed with a chest at the bottom. These buildings have rotted, much like the rest of the military base, and there's animals, among other nasties, roaming through them. [h1][/h1] [*][B]HANGAR.[/B] A large square building with a large door in front of it, and a few small doors off to the side, with windows at the top of the building to let in sunlight. However, that isn't the most notable thing about the building. There is a WW2-Era B52 Bomber resting in the center of the hangar. It's damaged to the point of uselessness, but it's stable enough for people to board it. It is possible to restore it if someone wanted to, but it's only in the hangar, taking up space. [h1][/h1] [*][B]AIRSTRIP[/B] Long eroded, but still there. A long stone strip that leads straight out of the hangar.[/list] [/hider] [hr][h3]The "Castle"[/h3][hr] [hider][list][*][B]WALLS & TOWERS.[/B] The first structure that anyone is going to encounter in this ominous location. The massive walls of the castle form a square that obscure a bit of the castle. These walls are constructed out of dark-grey stone blocks that are at least thirty feet tall, with large wooden doors in front of the castle (Which, strangely, don't have a mechanism). There's a breach in the wall, however. A circular hole in the side that has concrete blocks at it's bottom. At each corner is a circular tower that goes even higher than the wall. At the top of each tower is eight holes that act as windows, giving the impression that these are watch towers. [h1][/h1] [*][B]MAIN COURTYARD.[/B] Beyond the walls is the courtyard, a large oval-shaped clearing, with a path straight into the Main building of the castle. There isn't much to say about this locations other than the fact that it's rather overrun with plants, and goes around the perimeter of the Main Hall. [h1][/h1] [*][B]MAIN HALL.[/B] The main building of this castle. An octagon shaped, two floored, location, made out of pure stone, and fairly solid. There's two large wooden doors leading into it, which leads into the foyer of the building. Inside, it appears that this place is less of a castle and more of a mansion. There's bedrooms, a church, a dining hall, a kitchen, a great hall, and more locations.[/list] [/hider] [hr][h2]Misc.[/h2][hr] [hider="Rules of Camp ThinkerRock"] [list][*]Under [I]no[/I] circumstance are the Campers to leave Camp ThinkerRock without permission. [*]Fighting off the proving grounds is strictly forbidden. [*]Destruction/Theft of property is forbidden. [*]Nobody is to enter the Castle, Military Base, Mansion, nor any other structure off camp grounds. [*]All campers must be in their cabins by 9PM. [*]Sexual activity, smoking, alcohol, and drug use are strictly forbidden .Alcohol, weapons and other contraband are confiscated on arrival. [*]Do not feed or harm the wildlife. [*]Obey the staff at all times [*]Failure to comply with these rules will result in immediate punishment, which will be determined, depending on the offense.[/list] [/hider] [hider="Uniform"] The official "uniform" for camp ThinkerRock (Required during all camp activities) is a [url=http://i795.photobucket.com/albums/yy234/lonestar4545/campthinkerrockshirt_zpsglyvzwoe.png]T-Shirt with Camp Logo[/url] and gym shorts. Fortunately, these outfits come in all colors and sizes, and everyone has a choice as to what to wear, so nobody is left out.[/hider]