Name: Sir Roland Arturious Age: 42 Gender: Male Race: Human [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] Side: Light. Roland is a Paladin, a Paragon of all that is just and good in the world. Weapons(s): The Holy sword of Retribution is wielded by Roland. A blessing from the heavens so that he may banish evil from the world. Additionally his shield, dubbed Faith, is an absolute bulwark to the demonic. These weapons are fueled by Rolands Faith. In the hands of others they are simple steel. But in the hands of Roland Arturious, they are blessed instruments. His armor is equally blessed, runes and holy scripts etched into the metal to ward against dark magic. Abilities/Powers: Words of prayer banish lesser undead and demons by sheer power of faith. Holding Retribution high, Roland can dispel darkness and cast magnificent holy light to illuminate the battle field. This Paragon of light can also heal allies of moderate wounds in the heat of battle. His mere presence inspires allies in an aura that prevents persuasion by evil beings and pushes them to fight harder. Talent(s): Roland is a titan among men, standing a head taller than most at 6'10. He is quite proficient in the use of sword and shield in combat against both demonic and mortal enemies. Personality: Righteous, selfless, pious, courageous, these are but a few of the words used to describe Roland the Paladin. He is also quite the jovial sort. Always in good spirits and kind. Biography: Roland was born into the life he leads, following in the foot steps of his father and his father before him. Within Celakor, no more then a days march from what is now the ruins of house Gisele, lies the fortress of Bastion. Home to the Knightly order of Paladins, Bastion is a safe haven for any who seek refuge from the growing darkness. Nestled upon a high bluff and with walls both high and thick, Bastion is a highly defensible position rivaling that of the royal palace itself. Roland was born in these walls, destined to join the ranks of the Paladins, whom numbered fifteen hundred or so. His training began not with the sword but with the soul, for before a trainee masters steel he must master is spirit. The days were filled with prayer, sermon, and song and the nights with quiet study of holy scriptures. At age 13 Roland began his weapons training. More Paladins prefer the Hammer to the sword but Roland took to the blade and shield with ease. For as long as anyone can recall, the Paladins of Bastion had always maintained good relations with House Gisele. Though the Sun magic of the noble house was more arcane than divine, it served the same purpose and the Paladins oft found themselves looking to House Gisele for their outstanding healing abilities. Though their own healing was fit for battlefield wounds or expelling curses from the body, the Paladins could not heal illness or more extreme injuries as the Sunlight Sorcerers of House Gisele. As the years progressed Roland grew in spirit and in body. Extras: