Rucks hadn't particularly coined on to the other members of their party arriving, not out of ignorance but more so out of the possible hypothermia he had contracted from staying out in the cold for too long. He was vaguely aware of a small girl tugging on his robe's sleeve but he thought it was some form of delusion. Then the big monster with a rider came crashing down, followed shortly by a demon-like man. In all honesty, it was hard to see why these weren't just visions as he neared death. But then came Ruck's saving grace, the portal-door to the tower. As he was sucked in warmth flooded over his entire body, ridding himself of the potentially deadly condition that he had unwillingly contracted due to his own incompetence. Otherwise the feeling of the portal was not unlike travelling to the dream, it was familiar in some ways at least. Not quite as light and fluffy, but more vibrant and energetic. If it was taking them to another realm Rucks could not be sure, but he didn't push the theory out of his mind. After they landed Ruck's hallucinations became a reality - or rather, they ceased being hallucinations. The small girl, young compared to the rest of the group except maybe the one who rode upon the monster. She seemed strong in her own regards though, obviously not physically like the aforementioned monster rider, or even possibly the dwarf and almost certainly the demon - who Rucks, with a clearer mind, now recognised as a Herkurian. But instead mentally like himself, the mantis or even the mage who was easily given away by his lengthy robes which were unsuited to a warrior. Rucks was unsure how such a young one could be so strongly gifted, especially if she was human as her appearance lead him to believe. But some mysteries are best left unsolved, or at least postponed until later. Next up was the one with the monster, Rucks seemed to recall a name, Jacoby... or Chomp? He glanced them up and down, Jacoby must be the human, he figured. A nice human name, Jacoby. Probably. He appeared to be of the roguish sort with his fancy steel claws although looks could be deceiving. The monster probably served to dispatch foes [i]very[/i] quickly. Otherwise the lad left very little up to judge in his appearance. The Herkurian was the next for him to spot, alongside the Dwarf which was a semi-amusing contrast of figures. The Herkurian stood very tall with muscles larger than any of a human. Rucks was actually quite scared of the creature, who looked like he had just been pulled from a pit of brimstone. Probably best to get on his good side. The Dwarf looked much like any other of his kind, short, loaded with gadgets and the such. Probably incredibly entertaining to be around. Then left the final two, the other mage and the mantis. The mage wore long white robes, so, a white mage if he followed the ideal of wearing the colours of your chosen magic. One such ideal Rucks didn't share, instead wearing the dark green robes of many dreamwalker mages, embroidered with patterns which had great meaning in Nymph culture. The robes practically covered this figure up though, so Rucks didn't have much to go off of. The Mantis was just that, a Mantis. Rucks knew nothing of their kind so it left very little to go off of, other than a hint of magic in the air around him. And then there was the room they had landed in, it was large, or it may have been more accurate to describe it as huge. Circular in nature, but not like anything a mere man could build, this room was [i]perfectly[/i] circular, not a single hint of a jagged or squared edge anywhere, it must have taken years to try and build. But perhaps for a magician who could mask the portal from Rucks, it took a mere few moments to bend the stone to their will. There was a domed roof, strange for a tower since there would be little room above it, but the rooms size already toyed with the idea of reality and its constraints. The dome was held up with four pillars, each larger than a man in width and taller than the Herkulian by a clear meter. They were chiselled with elegant patterns, not unlike those you would see in the hall of a noble trying to show off his wealth, but whoever built this place didn't need petty patterns for that purpose. The floor was covered in tiles, tiny in size creating what Rucks would assume was a mosaic, however from his place on the floor (As he had yet to recover the strength to stand) he could not tell what said picture may entail. The most interesting part of the room however was the inside of the dome itself, a picture of the stars. Or, was it? This picture you see, was unlike any Rucks had ever encountered, it seemed to adopt a three dimensional viewpoint; until one of the stars shot across the dome. No painting was four dimensional, not even a magician could pull that off surely? Rucks stared in awe as he gathered his strength and stood, he tried to voice his amazement but his throat stung as if he partaken in some extremely strong alcohol. He instead settled for staring upwards until someone else voiced awe for him.